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은, 는, 이, 가 – Teema-/subjektipartikkelit

Tässä oppitunnissa opit korean teemapartikkelit ja subjaktipartikkelit. Suurimmassa osassa kielissä ei käytetä lauseissa subjaktipartikkeleita eikä teemapartikkeleita, joten tämä käsite saattaa olla aivan uusi, mutta kun kerran totut niihin, näiden partikkelien käytön osaaminen on hyvinkin hyödyllistä.


[eun] / [neun]

Teemapartikkelien päärooli on antaa muiden ihmisten tietää mistä puhut tai mistä aiot puhua. Teema partikkeli liitetään substantiivien perään.

Konsonanttiloppuiset sanat + -은

Vokaaliloppuiset sanat + -는

가방 [ga-bang] + 은 [eun]
나 [na] + 는 [neun]

Lauseen teema eli puheenaihe, joka merkataan 은:illa [eun] tai 는:illa [neun], on yleensä (mutta ei aina) sama kuin lauseen subjekti.

저 [jeo] = minä
저 + 는 [neun] = 저는 [jeo-neun] = mitä tulee minuun / (asia, josta puhun nyt on) minä

저는 학생이에요. [jeo-neun hak-saeng-i-e-yo] = Mitä tulee minuun, ole opiskelija. / Minä olen opiskelija.

Tässä sana 저 (minä) on sekä lauseen puheenaihe/teema (puhun tässä "minusta") ja lauseen subjekti ("minä" subjektina ja "olen" verbinä).

Mutta koreankielen omalaimaisuus voidaan nähdä seuraavassa esimerkkilauseessa:

내일은 저는 일해요. [nae-il-eun jeo-neun il-hae-yo] = "Mitä tulee huomiseen, minä teen töitä."

Tässä esimerkissä sana 내일 [nae-il], huominen, jota seuraa partikkeli 은 [eun], on teema ja puheenaihe, mutta ei verbin 일하다 [il-ha-da], "tehdä töitä, työskennellä", subjekti, koska se ei ole "huominen", joka tekee töitä, vaan "minä".


[i] / [ga]

Subjektipartikkelien rooli on suhteellisen yksinkertainen verrattuna teemapartikkelien rooliin.

Konsonanttiloppuiset sanat + -이

Vokaaliloppuiset sanat + -가

가방 [ga-bang] + 이 [i]
학교 [hak-gyo] + 가 [ga]

Joten perimmiltään,
teemapartikkelit (은/는) ilmaisevat mikä on lauseen puheenaihe ja subjektipartikkelit (이/가) näyttävät mikä on lauseen subjekti, mutta tässä ei ole koko totuus.

Mitä muuta partikkeleissa 은/는/이/가 piilee?

In addition to marking topics, 은 [eun] / 는 [neun] has the nuance of “about” something, “as for” something, or even “unlike other things” or “different from other things.”

In addition to marking subjects, 이 [i] / 가 [ga] has the nuance of “none other than” “nothing but” and also, when used inside a complex sentence, the role of marking the subject without emphasizing it too much.

Let’s look at some examples of (1).

이거 [i-geo] = tämä / 사과 [sa-gwa] = omena / 예요 [ye-yo] = olla/on
이거 사과예요. [i-geo sa-gwa-ye-yo] = Tämä on omena.

You can add 은/는 to this, and in this case the subject, 이거, ends in a vowel, so add -는.

이거 사과예요. [i-geo-NEUN sa-gwa-ye-yo] = (The other things are not apples, but) THIS is an apple.

So you can imagine someone talking like this:

이거 커피예요. [i-geo keo-pi-ye-yo] (= This is coffee)
이거 물이에요. [i-geo-NEUN mul-i-e-yo] (= That was coffee, but THIS ONE, it’s water.)
이거 오렌지주스예요. [i-geo-NEUN o-ren-ji-ju-seu-ye-yo] (= And THIS ONE, it’s different again, it’s orange juice.)
이거 뭐예요? [i-geo-NEUN mwo-ye-yo?] (= And what about this one? What is it?)

As you can see from this example, 은/는 has the role of emphasizing the topic of the sentence by giving it the nuance of “that one is ... and/but THIS ONE is...” So sometime it is unnatural to used 은/는 in every sentence you say.

So in Korean, although 은 and 는 are generally topic marking particles, people often save 은/는 for really emphasizing the topic in contrast to the other parts of the sentence.

For example, if you want to say “The weather’s nice today.” in Korean, you can say it in many ways. (Don’t worry about the entire sentence here. Just focus on the use of 은/는.)

1) 오늘 날씨 좋네요. [o-neul nal-ssi jot-ne-yo]
The weather’s good today.

2) 오늘은 날씨 좋네요. [o-neul-EUN nal-ssi jot-ne-yo]
(The weather hasn’t been so good lately, but TODAY, it’s good.)

3) 오늘 날씨는 좋네요. [o-neul nal-ssi-NEUN jot-ne-yo]
(Today, not necessarily everything else too, but at least the weather is good.)

So THAT’s how powerful and useful the topic marking particles (은/는) can be in changing the nuance of your Korean sentences!

Let’s look at some examples of (2).

좋아요 [jo-a-yo] = it’s good / 뭐 [mwo] = what / 이/가 [i/ga] = subject marking particles

Imagine that one says “좋아요. [jo-a-yo]” and that means “It’s good.” or “I like it.”

But if you are not quite sure WHAT is good, you can ask “WHAT is good?” or “What are you talking about?”

In order to express your curiosity as to “WHAT” is good, you can ask:

좋아요? [mwo-GA jo-a-yo?] Here the word 가 [ga] emphasize what the subject of the verb “to be / 좋아요” is.

If one says,

ABC 좋아요. [ABC jo-a-yo] = ABC is good.

And if you disagree and you think XYZ is good, not ABC. You can express your opinion that the subject of “being good” should be XYZ, not ABC, by saying:

ABC 좋아요? XYZ가 좋아요! [ABC jo-a-yo? XYZ-GA jo-a-yo]

So, with 이 and 가, you can add more flavor and more concrete meanings to your Korean sentences when you want to emphasize WHO did something, WHICH ONE is good, and etc.

Is that everything?


As you can see from above, 은/는 and 이/가 both have different roles, but the roles of 은/는 as a ‘contrast’ factor is much stronger, because you can change the topic of a sentence with 은/는. So, when you form complex sentences (i.e. I think the book that you bought is more interesting than the book I bought.), in general, 은/는 is not so commonly used all over the sentences. Often times 은/는/이/가 can be dropped, but when you need particles to clarify the meaning, 이/가 will be more commonly used.

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