TTMIK nivelul 1 lecţia 8

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TTMIK nivelul 1 lecţia 8 - Notite gratuite pentru lectii de coreeanã NIVELUL 1 LECTIA 8

Negarea in coreana

Sa recapitulam cum spunem "acest", "acesta" si "acela" (lectia 7)

 이 [i] = acesta (daca lucrul despre care vorbim este aproape de tine) 
 이거[i-geo] sau  이것[i-geot] = this thing, this item, this stuff, this fact 
 그 [geu] = the / that (near the other person) 
 그거[geu-geo] or 그것[geu-geot] = the thing, the item, that one, it 
 저 [jeo] = that (over there) 
 저거[jeo-geo] or 저것[jeo-geot] = that thing over there 
 사람 [sa-ram] means a person 
 이 사람 [i sa-ram] = this person, this man here, this lady here, he, she 
 그 사람 [geu sa-ram] = the person, that person, he, she  
 저 사람 [jeo sa-ram] = that person over there, he, she   
 아니에요[a-ni-e-yo] = to be not, it is not, you are not 
 아니에요 [a-ni-e-yo] is the present tense form in the formal language of the verb 아니다 (to be 
 not). So 아니에요 [a-ni-e-yo] means “It’s not.” “I am not.” “You’re not.” “He/she is not.” and etc.