Hangeul step 4/fr

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Consonnes aspirées

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Dans cette partie, nous allons apprendre les consonnes aspirées , , , et (ainsi qu'une autre consonne, ). En regardant l'image de droite, voyez-vous la ressemblance entre les lettres que nous avons déjà apprises sur la ligne du haut et celles de la ligne du bas ?

Avant d'aller plus loin, expliquons ce que veut dire aspiration. L'aspiration est le fait de laisser sortir une forte impulsion d'air en faisant un son. Pour comprendre la différence entre consonnes aspirées et non aspirées, tenez devant votre main devant votre bouche, dites haricot. Lorsqu'on prononce une consonne aspirée, ici h, on doit sentir de l'air sur la main. Hip hip hip hourra commence par un H aspiré tandis que hippocampe non1.

Les nouvelles lettres que nous allons apprendre sont juste une version aspirée des lettres déjà apprises : même prononciation avec plus d'air sortant de la bouche. Et vous pouvez observer que pour écrire ces lettres, il suffit d'ajouter un trait supplémentaire.

  1. Source: Le Petit Larousse compact édition Larousse - Bordas 1997

Les voyelles Y

Similar letters vowels.png

Les voyelles que nous allons apprendre dans cette partie sont , , , , et . Une fois encore, pouvez-vous voir la ressemblance entre les lettres présentées sur la ligne du haut et celles de la ligne du bas ? Pour ces nouvelles voyelles, vous ajoutez juste le son 'y' (IPA: /j/) devant les voyelles précédemment étudiées. Rappelez-vous de ㅜ dont le son est proche de OU. Pour ㅠ, on ajoute 'y' devant ㅜ et cela donne le son "you".

ㅅ reminder

Remember in step 3 we mentioned that when combined with the vowels ㅣ, ㅕ, ㅑ, ㅠ, ㅛ it is pronounced like a "sh" sound. It is an "sh" sound anytime it combines with these double stroked vowels and the vowel ㅣ.

Begin lesson

ㅛ (vowel)

ㅋ (consonant)


This is pronounced just like ㅗ but with a /y/ sound in front of it. Almost like "yo" in English. For full information about this letter, see .


This is an aspirated /k/ sound. This is pronounced just like ㄱ but with more air coming out. For full information about this letter, see .


ㅠ (vowel)

ㅌ (consonant)


This is pronounced just like ㅜ but with a Y sound in front of it. Almost like "you" in English. For full information about this letter, see .


This is an aspirated /t/ sound. This is pronounced just like ㄷ but with more air coming out. For full information about this letter, see .


ㅕ (vowel)

ㅍ (consonant)


This is pronounced just like ㅓ but with a Y sound in front of it. For full information about this letter, see .


This is an aspirated /p/ sound. This is pronounced just like ㅂ but with more air emitted from the mouth. For full information about this letter, see .


ㅑ (vowel)

ㅊ (consonant)


This is pronounced just like ㅏ but with a Y sound in front of it. For full information about this letter, see .


This is a /ch/ sound. This is pronounced just like ㅈ but with more air emitted from the mouth. For full information about this letter, see .


ㅖ (vowel)

ㅎ (consonant)


This is pronounced just like ㅔ but with a /y/ sound in front of it. For full information about this letter, see .


This is an /h/ sound. For full information about this letter, see .


ㅒ (vowel)


This is pronounced just like ㅐ but with a /y/ sound in front of it (not much differently than ㅖ) For full information about this letter, see .



Real Examples

Practice with these real Korean words. The examples for step 4 have been split. Half of the examples for step 4 are here and half are on the next page.

Word Audio
가르치다 (to teach)
가리키다 (to point at)
가치 (value)
고추 (hot pepper)
고프다 (to be hungry)
교수 (professor)
구타 (beating)
구토 (vomiting)
구치소 (prison)
구하다 (to rescue)
구호 (a slogan)
기계 (machine)
기타 (guitar)
기차 (train)
기차표 (railroad ticket)
기체 (gas, vapor)
기초 (basis)
기호 (symbol)
나타나다 (to appear)
노예 (slave)
노크 (knock)
노처녀 (maiden lady)
니트 (knitwear)
다치다 (to get hurt)
대여 (a loan)
도토리 (acorn)
도표 (chart, diagram)
마치다 (to finish)
매표소 (ticket office)
며느리 (daughter-in-law)
모피 (fur)
묘지 (grave)
미치다 (to be crazy)
바코드 (bar code)
배터리 (battery)
배추 (Chinese cabbage)
벼 (rice plant)
부여하다 (to bless someone)
부케 (bouquet)
보드카 (vodka)
보호하다 (to protect)
비키니 (bikini)
비키다 (to move aside)
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