User talk:Galinaros

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Welcome, Galinaros, to the Korean Wiki Project, the best collaborative Korean-language learning resource! Before editing, it will ask you to confirm your email address. This is to prevent spammers.

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안녕하세요 Galinaros? 최고의 한국어 학습 공유 사이트, Korean Wiki Project에 방문하신 것을 환영합니다.

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Hi welcome. I see you're still trying to get hangeul down. Unfortunately our section's not finished. I start summer vacation in about a week then i'll be able to complete that section. Hopefully it'll be useful for you. --Bluesoju 00:34, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

Thanks for the 'hello'! I'm having some trouble memorizing the Diphthongs of Hangeul, but after that I have a feeling it will be a breeze. Tonight I will be putting a lot of effort into getting those down... I have already taken a look through some of your materials on learning Hangeul. I'll make use of what I can (I think I have a list of 20-some websites that I have been using. I'll give you a few ideas on what kind of learning tools worked best for me.) Don't worry too much about the incompleteness of your Hangeul learning section--the site already looks great! --Galinaros 00:56, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

Recommended sources

If you're looking for resources on learning Hangeul and some other basic things, there are some really great sites listed at Language sites#From the Beginning. Like Chris said, we're planning on including Hangeul soon, but for now the wiki assumes Hangeul knowledge. Good luck! (I've actually never studied Spanish. I guess I've always just been interested in rare languages. I'm just happy I happened to learn Korean and have stuck with it since.) --Mstrum 03:04, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

Thanks, Mstrm. I'm going through what you showed me now. ... Oh, and about learning Spanish: the school I'm in offers Latin, French, German, Spanish, and Japanese classes. Although I would have much rather have taken Latin, I was talked out of it. I still want to though... instead I'm stuck with Spanish. The Japanese course is underpopulated and a GPA killer, so I didn't really think about taking that one (despite the amount of anime I would rather watch without subtitles, lol). I'm hoping to go to a college that offers some sort of Korean language course, but that's a few years in the future... --Galinaros 20:05, 12 July 2009 (UTC)


About he dashes: "New format links to the Hanja character's page, NOT linked by the Korean letters: 착각 <錯覺>. Note if you see '-' or '-' it means it's NOT a hanja character, so don't link it. For example: 육개장 <肉-醬>.개 is not a hanja character." --DigitalSoju 23:10, 7 April 2010 (UTC)