Word spacing

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In Korean written language, spaces are used to help differentiate parts of the sentence, similar to English or other similar languages. There are some simple rules to use when determining whether a space is required in a sentence:

  1. There is no space between a name and 씨 such as:
    • 미영씨
  2. Words are separated by spaces. A "word" is anything in the Korean-Korean dictionary. Kind of a circular definition, I know.
  3. Leave a space between parts of speech:
    • Noun + verb (one space) as in:
      • 김치 먹어요 (eating kimchi)
    • Noun + Adverb + Verb (two spaces) as in:
      • 선생님 일찍 왔어요 (teacher came early).
  4. There is no space between particles (이, 는, 를, etc.) and verb endings (어미) such as 나는 or 너는. Other examples includes:
    • 공을 치다 (to strike a ball)
    • 공을 차다 (to kick a ball)