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In general, many adverbs, called 부사 in Korean, are created by attaching 게 to to the end of an adjective stem (A + 게). However, sometimes there is a more natural form, especially adverbs ending with the syllable 히 or (으)로. Also since Korean and English are quite different languages, some of the adverbs translated literally into English can sound awkward, for example '맛있게 먹다' means eat deliciously.

Common Adverbs Formed with Adjective + 게

Also see: A + 게

Adverbs formed using adjective + 게
Adjective Meaning Adverb form Meaning
편한 comforable 편하게 comfortably
어려운 difficult 어렵게 difficultly
자유로운 free 자유롭게 freely
행복한 happy 행복하게 Happily
즐거운 pleasant 즐겁게 pleasantly
아름다운 beuatiful 아름답게 beautifully
조용한 quiet 조용하게 quietly
용기있는 brave 용기있게 bravely
편리한 convenient 편리하게 conveniently
large 크게 largely
안전하다 safe 안전하게 safely
싸다 cheap 싸게 cheaply
늦은 late (adj) 늦게 late (adv)

As a noun modifier, Korean Adjective has suffix "ㄴ" categories (ex: ~은, ~는). "~다" is used only for comeplement.

So don't say "크다사람." That's completely wrong. Say "큰 사람" when you would like say "big,large, or tall person."

Common Adverbs Ending with 히

Adjectives Ending with 히
Adverb Meaning Derived from Meaning
천천히 Slowly --- slow
솔직히 Honestly, frankly 솔직한 frank, honest, open
우연히 On accident, by chance 우연한 accidental, happenchance
특히 Especially, particularly 특별한 special
확실히 Certainly, for sure, for certain, definitely 확실한 certain, sure
자세히 In detail 자세한 detailed
완전히 Completely, fully, perfectly 완전한 Complete, full, perfect
  • 분명히 - definitely, clearly, certainly
  • 확실히 - definitely, surely, for sure

Korean seldom use "천천한" so don't regard it as mechanical thing.

Some words originated from Chinese Character, like English word with Latin or Greek dervation. That's why you may have some difficulty in finding relation between "특히" & "특별한"

There's some applications of "특". "특식" - special food "특실" - special room "특차" - specially selected and uncountable applicatin cause Chinese charcter has its own meaning.

Common Adverbs Ending with (으)로

  • 직접으로 - in person
  • 일반적으로 - generally

Other Adverbs

  • 없이
    • 틀림 없이
  • 빨리
  • 많이 - a lot
  • 일찍 - early
  • 같이
  • 따로 - separately
  • 깊이
  • 갑자기 - suddenly
  • 꼭 - for sure
  • 반드시
  • 보통 - usually
  • 전혀
  • 맨날
  • 자주
  • 자꾸
  • 가끔 - sometimes

See also