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[[Hanja]] is the Korean name for Chinese characters. More specifically, it refers to those Chinese characters borrowed from Chinese and incorporated into the Korean language with Korean pronunciation. Since a lot of Korean words are derived from Chinese, learning 한자 can be like learning prefixes, suffixes and root words. For Korean learners, learning the actual Chinese character isn't as important as learning the meaning and Korean pronunciation of the character. For example learning 驛 wouldn't be as useful as learning that the character is called '역' and means 'station.' Note that many characters can have the same pronunciation, but totally different meanings, i.e. 일(日 meaning sun) vs 일 (一 meaning one).
[[Hanja]] is the Korean name for Chinese characters. More specifically, it refers to those Chinese characters borrowed from Chinese and incorporated into the Korean language with Korean pronunciation. Since a lot of Korean words are derived from Chinese, learning 한자 can be like learning prefixes, suffixes and root words. This section will introduce to you important 한자 characters, some of them which are not beginner level characters.
Please note: - means there is no Hanja character for it, i.e. 동네 <[[洞]]->. There is no Hanja character for 네, - is not to be confused for 일 ([[一]]).
*Under construction
Also note that some chinese characters have two ways to pronounce it. For example, '[[女]]', whch means 'female' can be pronounced as both '여' and '녀' in Korean. But as you can see from the examples, 여 is only used when it comes as the first syllable of a word, while 녀 is only used in the middle of a word or at the end. This is a special grammatical rule called '두음법칙' or '머리소리 법칙' and North Korea doesn't follow this rule (nor do they use 한자 anymore).
*Days of the week
*Part 1: ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ
==Days of the week==
*Part 2: ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ
Let's start with the days of the week, since it's basic. Just focus on the characters 日, 月, 火, 水, 木, 金, and 土.
*Part 3: ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ
{|style="text-align:center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
| Sunday<br>[[File:日.png|150px]]<br>일요일<br>Sun day<br>[[日]] (일) - the sun
| Monday <br>[[File:月.png|150px]]<br>월요일<br>Moon day<br>[[月]] (월) - the moon
| Tuesday <br>[[File:火.png|150px]]<br>화요일<br>Fire day<br>[[火]] (화) - fire
| Wednesday <br>[[File:水.png|150px]]<br>수요일<br>Water day<br>[[水]] (수) - water
| Thursday <br>[[File:木.png|150px]]<br>목요일<br>Tree day<br>[[木]] (목) - tree
| Friday <br>[[File:金.png|150px]]<br>금요일<br>Metal/gold day<br>[[金]] (금) - gold, metal
| Saturday <br>[[File:土.png|150px]]<br>토요일<br>Earth day<br>[[土]] (토) - soil, earth
<!--Table of contents should generate with h2 but it's not doing so, want a TOC for each hanja character-->
==Important 한자 1==
Part 1 contains 한자 characters from ㄱ to ㅁ.
<!--두음법칙 (Anyone can change this if this part looks unneccesary)
: In the first syllable of a word,  ㄴ or ㄹ combined with a vowel such as ㅣ, ㅑ, ㅕ, ㅛ, ㅠ becomes ㅇ. However, when ㄹ is combined with a vowel such as ㅏ, ㅓ, ㅗ, ㅜ, ㅡ, ㅐ, ㅔ, ㅚ, it is changed into ㄴ. And this rule is only applied when the it comes to the first syllable.-->
<!--For examples:
이빨 (teeth of animals, a humble form for '이')
사랑니 (a wisdom tooth)
역사歷史 (history)
이력서履歷書 (résumé)
노인老人 (someone who is old, senior)
연로年老 (aged and getting old)-->
|kor =
|char =  
|char =  
|ex1 = 동서남북<東西南北> = 동쪽-서쪽-남쪽-북쪽 = East-West-South-North
|examples=*동서남북<東西南北> = 동쪽-서쪽-남쪽-북쪽 = East-West-South-North
|ex2 = 춘하추동<春夏秋冬> = 봄-여름-가을-겨울 = Spring-Summer-Fall-Winter
*춘하추동<春夏秋冬> = 봄-여름-가을-겨울 = Spring-Summer-Fall-Winter
|ex3 = 좌우<左右> = 왼쪽-오른쪽 = Left-Right
*좌우<左右> = 왼쪽-오른쪽 = Left-Right
|ex4 = 전후<前後> = 앞-뒤 OR 전-후= Front-Rear  OR  Before-After
*전후<前後> = 앞-뒤 OR 전-후= Front-Rear  OR  Before-After
|ex5 = 상하<上下> = 위-아래 = Up-Down OR upper sides-lower sides
*상하<上下> = 위-아래 = Up-Down OR upper sides-lower sides
|ex6 = 남녀<男女> = 남자-여자 = Man-Woman
*남녀<男女> = 남자-여자 = Man-Woman
|ex7 = 노소<老少> = 늙다-젊다 = Old-Young
*노소<老少> = 늙다-젊다 = Old-Young
|ex8 = 유무<有無> = 있다-없다 = Existence-Nonexistence
*유무<有無> = 있다-없다 = Existence-Nonexistence
|ex9 = 내외<內外> = 안-밖 = Inside-Outside
*내외<內外> = 안-밖 = Inside-Outside
|ex10 = 주야<晝夜> = 낮-밤 = Day-Night  
*주야<晝夜> = 낮-밤 = Day-Night  
|kor =
|char =  
|char =  
|ex1 = 장단<長短> = 길다-짧다 = Long-Short OR Merits-Demerits
|examples=*장단<長短> = 길다-짧다 = Long-Short OR Merits-Demerits
|ex2 = 생사<生死> = 살다-죽다 = Life-Death
*생사<生死> = 살다-죽다 = Life-Death
|ex3 = 대소<大小> = 크다-작다 = Large-Small
*대소<大小> = 크다-작다 = Large-Small
|ex4 = 다소<多少> = 많다-적다 = Many-Little
*다소<多少> = 많다-적다 = Many-Little
|ex5 = 고저<高低> = 높다-낮다 = High-Low
*고저<高低> = 높다-낮다 = High-Low
|ex6 = 가감<加減> = 더하다-빼다 = Increase-Decrease
*가감<加減> = 더하다-빼다 = Increase-Decrease
|ex7 = 빈부<貧富> = 가난하다-넉넉하다 = Poor-Rich
*빈부<貧富> = 가난하다-넉넉하다 = Poor-Rich
|ex8 =
|ex9 =
|ex10 =
|char = 강 < > - River
|kor =강
|ex1 = 강 < 江 > - River
|char =
|ex2 = 한강 < 漢江 > - Han River
|def =River
|ex3 = 강남 < 江南 > - South of the river
|examples=*강 <[[]]> - River
|ex4 = 강북 < 江北 > - North of the river
*한강 <[[漢]][[江]]> - Han River
|ex5 = 강가 - Riverside,Riverbank
*강남 <[[江]][[南]]> - South of the river
|ex6 = 강변 < 江邊 > - Riverside,Riverbank
*강북 <[[江]][[北]]> - North of the river
|ex7 = 강변도로 < 江邊道路 > - Riverside road
*강가 - Riverside,Riverbank
|ex8 = 강둑 - River embankment
*강변 <[[江]][[邊]]> - Riverside,Riverbank
|ex9 = 강물 - River water
*강변도로 <[[江]][[邊]][[道]][[路]]> - Riverside road
|ex10 = 강줄기 - River course
*강둑 - River embankment
*강물 - River water
*강줄기 - River course
|char = 고 < > - High, Tall   
|kor = 고
|ex1 = 고속 < 高速 > - High speed
|char =
|ex2 = 고속버스 - Express bus  
|def = High, Tall   
|ex3 = 고층 < 高層 > - Upper floors
|examples=*고속 <[[高]][[速]]> - High speed
|ex4 = 고층빌딩 <高層-- > - Skyscraper
*고속버스 - Express bus  
|ex5 = 고급 < 高級 > - High rank, High grade/class, Seniority
*고층 <[[高]][[層]]> - Upper floors
|ex6 = 최고 < 最高 > - Maximum, Best, Supremacy
*고층빌딩 <[[高]][[層]]--> - Skyscraper
|ex7 = 고등 < 高等 > - High level (grade)
*고급 <[[高]][[級]]> - High rank, High grade/class, Seniority
|ex8 = 고등학교 < 高等學校 > - High school
*최고 <[[最]][[高]]> - Maximum, Best, Supremacy
|ex9 = 고등학생 < 高等學生 > - High school student
*고등 <[[高]][[等]]> - High level (grade)
|ex10 = 고혈압 < 高血壓 > - High blood pressure
*고등학교 <[[高]][[等]][[學]][[校]]> - High school
*고등학생 <[[高]][[等]][[學]][[生]]> - High school student
*고혈압 <[[高]][[血]][[壓]]> - High blood pressure
|char = 과 < > - Section, Department, Science
|kor = 과
|ex1 = 치과 < 齒科 > - Dentist office, Denistry
|char =
|ex2 = 안과 < 眼科 > - Ophthalmology
|def = Section, Department, Science
|ex3 = 정형외과 < 整形外科 > - Orthopedics
|examples=*치과 <[[齒]][[科]]> - Dentist office, Dentistry
|ex4 = 과목 < 科目 > - Subject, Lesson
*안과 <[[眼]][[科]]> - Ophthalmology
|ex5 = 학과 < 學科 > - School subject, Lesson
*정형외과 <[[整]][[形]][[外]][[科]]> - Orthopedics
|ex6 = 교과서 < 敎科書 > - Textbook, Schoolbook
*과목 <[[科]][[目]]> - Subject, Lesson
|ex7 = 영문학과 < 英文學科 > - The English literature department
*학과 <[[學]][[科]]> - School subject, Lesson
|ex8 = 컴퓨터공학과 <---工學科 > - The computer engineering department
*교과서 <[[敎]][[科]][[書]]> - Textbook, Schoolbook
|ex9 = 과학 < 科學 > - Science
*영문학과 <[[英]][[文]][[學]][[科]]> - The English literature department
|ex10 = 과학자 < 科學者 > - Scientist
*컴퓨터공학과 <---[[工]][[學]][[科]]> - The computer engineering department
*과학 <[[科]][[學]]> - Science
*과학자 <[[科]][[學]][[者]]> - Scientist
|char = 교 < > - Teach, Faith, Religion
|kor = 교
|ex1 = 교육 < 敎育 > - Education
|char = 敎  
|ex2 = 교수 < 敎授 > - Professor
|def = Teach, faith, religion
|ex3 = 교사 < 敎師 > - Teacher
|examples=*교육 <[[敎]][[育]]> - Education
|ex4 = 교과 < 敎科 > - Subject
*교수 <[[敎]][[授]]> - Professor
|ex5 = 교과서 < 敎科書 > - Textbook (school)
*교사 <[[敎]][[師]]> - Teacher
|ex6 = 교무실 < 敎務 > - Teacher's office
*교과 <[[敎]][[科]]> - Subject
|ex7 = 종교 < 宗敎 > - Religion
*교과서 <[[敎]][[科]][[書]]> - Textbook (school)
|ex8 = 기독교 < 基督敎 > - Christianity
*교무실 <[[敎]][[務]][[室]]> - Teacher's office
|ex9 = 천주교 < 天主敎 > - Catholicism  
*종교 <[[宗]][[敎]]> - Religion
|ex10 = 불교 < 佛敎 > - Buddhism  
*기독교 <[[基]][[督]][[敎]]> - Christianity
*천주교 <[[天]][[主]][[敎]]> - Catholicism  
*불교 <[[佛]][[敎]]> - Buddhism  
|char = 교 < > - School
|kor = 교
|ex1 = 학교 < 學校 > - School
|char =校  
|ex2 = 초등학교 < 初等學校 > - Elementary school
|def = School
|ex3 = 모교 < 母校 > - Alma mater  
|examples=*학교 <[[學]][[校]]> - School
|ex4 = 등교 < 登校 > - Attending school
*초등학교 <[[初]][[等]][[學]][[校]]> - Elementary school
|ex5 = 교문 < 校門 > - School gate
*모교 <[[母]][[校]]> - Alma mater  
|ex6 = 교가 < 校歌 > -  School song
*등교 <[[登]][[校]]> - Attending school
|ex7 = 교정 < 校庭 > - The campus
*교문 <[[校]][[門]]> - School gate
|ex8 = 교복 < 校服 > - School uniform  
*교가 <[[校]][[歌]]> -  School song
|ex9 = 교훈 < 校訓 > - Motto for school discipline  
*교정 <[[校]][[庭]]> - The campus
|ex10 = 교장 < 校長 > - Principal, Head a school
*교복 <[[校]][[服]]> - School uniform  
*교훈 <[[校]][[訓]]> - Motto for school discipline  
*교장 <[[校]][[長]]> - Principal, Head a school
|char = 구 < > - District, Ward , Area
|kor = 구
|ex1 = 강남구 < 江南區 > - Gangnam district  
|char =區  
|ex2 = 성북구 < 城北區 > - Sungbuk district
|def = District, ward , area
|ex3 = 구청 < 區廳 > - District office
|examples=*강남구 <[[江南區]]> - Gangnam district  
|ex4 = 구민 < 區民 > - The inhabitants of a district
*성북구 <[[城北區]]> - Sungbuk district
|ex5 = 구분 < 區分 > - A division, A section
*구청 <[[區]][[廳]]> - District office
|ex6 = 구역 < 區域 > - A zone, A district
*구민 <[[區]][[民]]> - The inhabitants of a district
|ex7 = 구획 < 區劃 > - A section, A division
*구분 <[[區]][[分]]> - A division, A section
|ex8 = 구별 < 區別 > - Distinction, Classification
*구역 <[[區]][[域]]> - A zone, A district
|ex9 = 구간 < 區間 > - A section, A block  
*구획 <[[區]][[劃]]> - A section, A division
|ex10 = 지역구 < 地域區 > - Local constituencies(electorates)  
*구별 <[[區]][[別]]> - Distinction, Classification
*구간 <[[區]][[間]]> - A section, A block  
*지역구 <[[地]][[域]][[區]]> - Local constituencies(electorates)  
|char = 구 < > - Entrance, gate, mouth, open end
|kor = 구
|ex1 = 입구 < 入口 > - Entrance, way in
|char = 口  
|ex2 = 출구 < 出口 > - Exit
|def = Entrance, gate, mouth, open end
|ex3 = 구강암 < 口腔癌 > - Cancer of the mouth
|examples=*입구 <[[入]][[口]]> - Entrance, way in
|ex4 = 은행창구 < 銀行窓口 > - Bank windows
*출구 <[[出]][[口]]> - Exit, way out
|ex5 = 출납구 <出納口 > - (Bank) Teller window
*구강암 <[[口]][[腔]][[癌]]> - Cancer of the mouth
|ex6 = 항구 < 港口 > - Port,Harbor
*은행창구 <[[銀]][[行]][[窓]][[口]]> - Bank windows
|ex7 = 구호 < 口號 > - Slogan, Motto
*출납구 <[[出]][[納]][[口]]> - (Bank) Teller window
|ex8 = 구두시험 < 口頭試驗 > - Oral test
*항구 <[[港]][[口]]> - Port,Harbor
|ex9 = 인구 < 人口 > - Population
*구호 <[[口]][[號]]> - Slogan, Motto
|ex10 = 식구 < 食口 > - Members of a family
*구두시험 <[[口]][[頭]][[試]][[驗]]> - Oral test
*인구 <[[人]][[口]]> - Population
*식구 <[[食]][[口]]> - Members of a family
|char = 국 < > - Nation, Country
|kor = 국  
|ex1 = 국민 < 國民 > - A nation, the nation, a people the people
|char = 國  
|ex2 = 외국 < 外國 > - A foreign country
|def = Nation, country
|ex3 = 한국 < 韓國 > - Korea
|examples=*국민 <[[國]][[民]]> - A nation, the nation, a people the people
|ex4 = 미국 < 美國 > - The United States
*외국 <[[外]][[國]]> - A foreign country
|ex5 = 중국 < 中國 > - China
*한국 <[[韓]][[國]]> - Korea
|ex6 = 국화 < 國花 > - National Flower
*미국 <[[美]][[國]]> - The United States
|ex7 = 국회 < 國會 > - The National Assembly
*중국 <[[中]][[國]]> - China
|ex8 = 국민 연금 < 國民年金 > - National pension
*국화 <[[國]][[花]]> - National Flower
|ex9 = 국가 < 國歌 > - National anthem
*국회 <[[國]][[會]]> - The National Assembly
|ex10 =
*국민 연금 <[[國]][[民]][[年]][[金]]> - National pension
*국가 <[[國]][[歌]]> - National anthem
*국보 <[[國]][[寶]]> - National treasure(heirloom)
|char = 남 < > - South
|kor = 남
|ex1 = 강남 < 江南 > - South of the river
|char = 南  
|ex2 = 경상남도 < 慶尙南道 >  
|def = South
|ex3 = 남한 < 南韓 > - Souut Korea ↔ 북한 < 北韓 > - North Korea
|examples=*강남 <[[江]][[南]]> - south of the river
|ex4 = 남미 < 南美 > - South America
*경상남도 <[[慶]][[尙]][[南]][[道]]> - south 경상 province
|ex5 =
*전라남도<[[全]][[羅]][[南]][[道]]> - south 전라 province
|ex6 =
*충청남도 <[[忠]][[淸]][[南]][[道]]> - south 충청 province
|ex7 =
*남한 <[[南]][[韓]]> - south Korea  
|ex8 =
*남대문 <[[南]][[大]][[門]]> - the South Gate of Seoul (Namdaemoon)
|ex9 =
*남산 <[[南]][[山]]> - the South Mountain of Seoul (Namsan)
|ex10 =
*남극 <[[南]][[極]]> - the South Pole
*남해 <[[南]][[海]]> - the southern sea
*남향 <[[南]][[向]]> - a southern exposure
*남풍 <[[南]][[風]]> - the south wind
*남미 <[[南]][[美]]> - South America
|char = 남 < > - Male
|kor = 남
|ex1 = 남자 < 男子 > - Man, Male
|char =
|ex2 = 남편 < 男便 > - Husband
|def = Male
|ex3 = 장남 < 長男 > - The oldest son
|examples=*남자 <[[男]][[子]]> - Man, Male
|ex4 = 남학생 < 男學生 > - A boy student
*남편 <[[男]][[便]]> - Husband
|ex5 =
*장남 <[[長]][[男]]> - The oldest son
|ex6 =
*차남 <[[次]][[男]]> - One´s second son
|ex7 =
*처남 <[[妻]][[男]]> - A one's brother-in-law
|ex8 =
* 남동생 <[[男]][[同]][[生]]> - A younger brother
|ex9 =
* 남학생 <[[男]][[學]][[生]]> - A boy student
|ex10 =
* 남성호르몬 <[[男]][[性]]-> - Male hormone(testosterone)
* 득남 <[[得]][[男]]> - Begetting a son
* 남성미 <[[男]][[性]][[美]]> - Masculine beauty
|char = 녀/여 < > - Female
|kor = 녀  
|ex1 = 여자 < 女子 > - Woman, Female
|char =
|ex2 = 장녀 < 長女 > - The oldest daughter
|def = Female (also [[여]])
|ex3 = 여학생 < 女學生 > - A girl student
|examples=*여자 <[[女]][[子]]> - Woman, Female
|ex4 = 여군 < 女軍 > - A woman soldier
*장녀 <[[長]][[女]]> - The oldest daughter
|ex5 = 남녀평등 < 男女平等 > - The equality of the sexes  
*여학생 <[[女]][[學]][[生]]> - A girl student
|ex6 =
*여군 <[[女]][[軍]]> - A woman soldier
|ex7 =
*남녀평등 <[[男]][[女]][[平]][[等]]> - The equality of the sexes  
|ex8 =
*여동생 <[[女]][[同]][[生]]> - A younger sister
|ex9 =
*해녀 <[[海]][[女]]> - A woman diver for gathering seafoods
|ex10 =
*소녀 <[[少]][[女]]> - A young girl
*득녀 <[[得]][[女]]> - Begetting a daughter
*여성미 <[[女]][[性]][[美]]> - The feminine beauty
|char = 년 < > - Year  
|kor = 년
|ex1 = 2009년< 年 > - 2009
|char =
|ex2 = 작년 < 昨年 > - Last year  
|def = Year (also [[연]])
|ex3 = 내년 < 來年 > - Next year
|examples=*2009년<[[]]> - 2009
|ex4 = 매년 < 每年 > - Every year
*작년 <[[昨]][[年]]> - Last year  
|ex5 = 3학년 < 學年 > - 3rd grade  
*내년 <[[來]][[年]]> - Next year
|ex6 = 미성년자 < 未成年者 > - A minor, A person under age  
*매년 <[[每]][[年]]> - Every year
|ex7 =
*금년 <[[今]][[年]]> - This year
|ex8 =
*신년 <[[新]][[年]]> - New year
|ex9 =
*3학년 <[[學]][[年]]> - 3rd grade  
|ex10 =
*미성년자 <[[未]][[成]][[年]][[者]]> - A minor, A person under age  
*10주년 <[[十]][[週]][[年]]> - 10th anniversary
*광년 <[[光]][[年]]> - A light-year
|char = 대 < >  - Big, Large
|kor = 대
|ex1 = 대문자 < 大文字 > - Capital letter(ABCD) ↔ 소문자 < 小文字 > - Small letter(abcd)
|char =
|ex2 = 대한민국 < 大韓民國 > -  The Republic of Korea
|def = Big, large
|ex3 = 대통령 < 大統領 > - President
|examples=*대문자 <[[大]][[文]][[字]]> - Capital letter(ABCD) ↔ 소문자 <[[小文字]]> - Small letter(abcd)
|ex4 = 대학교 < 大學校 > - University
*대한민국 <[[大]][[韓]][[民]][[國]]> -  The Republic of Korea
|ex5 = 대기업 < 大企業 > - A large enterprise  
*대통령 <[[大]][[統]][[領]]> - President
|ex6 = 대가족 < 大家族 > - A large family  
*대학교 <[[大]][[學]][[校]]> - University
|ex7 = 대문 < 大門 > - The main gate
*대기업 <[[大]][[企]][[業]]> - A large enterprise  
|ex8 =
*대가족 <[[大]][[家]][[族]]> - A large family  
|ex9 =
*대문 <[[大]][[門]]> - The main gate
|ex10 =
*대도시 <[[大]][[都]][[市]]> - A big city, A metropolis
*대량 <[[大]][[量]]> - A large quantity
*확대 <[[擴]][[大]]> - Magnification
|char = 도 < > - Road/Morality
|kor = 도
|ex1 = 도로 < 道路 > - Road, Way
|char =
|ex2 = 철도 < 鐵道 > - Railroad, Railway
|def = Road, Morality
|ex3 = 횡단보도 < 橫斷步道 > - Crosswalk
|examples=*도로 <[[道]][[路]]> - Road, Way
|ex4 = 인도 < 人道 > - Sidewalk, Footpath  
*철도 <[[鐵]][[道]]> - Railroad, Railway
|ex5 = 복도 < 複道 > - Hallway
*횡단보도 <[[橫]][[斷]][[步]][[道]]> - Crosswalk
|ex6 = 도덕 < 道德 > - Morality, Ethics
*인도 <[[人]][[道]]> - Sidewalk, Footpath  
|ex7 = 효도 < 孝道 > - Filial piety
*복도 <[[複]][[道]]> - Hallway
|ex8 = 태권도 < 跆拳道 > - Taekwondo (the Korean art of self-defense)
* 도덕 <[[道]][[德]]> - Morality, Ethics
|ex9 =
* 효도 <[[孝]][[道]]> - Filial piety
|ex10 =
* 태권도 <[[跆]][[拳]][[道]]> - Taekwondo (the Korean art of self-defense)
* 도리 <[[道]][[理]]> - Truth, Justice
* 불도 <[[佛]][[道]]> - Buddhism, The teachings of Buddha
|char = 동 < > - The same
|kor = 동  
|ex1 = 동일 < 同一 > - Sameness, Oneness  
|char =
|ex2 = 동료 < 同僚 > - co-worker, colleague  
|def = The same
|ex3 = 동호회 < 同好會 > - a club
|examples=*동일 <[[同]]一> - Sameness, Oneness  
|ex4 =
*동료 <[[同]][[僚]]> - A co-worker, A colleague  
|ex5 =
*동호회 <[[同]][[好]][[會]]> - A club
|ex6 =
*동감(하다) <[[同]][[感]]> - The same feeling, To feel the same way
|ex7 =
*동의하다 <[[同]][[意]]> - To agree with a person
|ex8 =
* 동의어 <[[同]][[義]][[語]]> - A synonym
|ex9 =
* 동시 <[[同]][[時]]> - The same time
|ex10 =
* 동생 <[[同]][[生]]> - A younger brother/sister
* 공동 <[[共]][[同]]> - Association
* 동고동락(하다) <[[同]][[苦]][[同]][[樂]]> - To share one´s joys and sorrows with someone
|char = 동 < > - Be moving, Be in motion
|kor = 동
|ex1 = 활동 < 活動 > - Activity, Action
|char =
|ex2 = 운동 < 運動 > - Exercise
|def = Be moving, be in motion
|ex3 = 자동차 < 自動車 > - Car
|examples=*활동 <[[活動]]> - Activity, Action
|ex4 = 동물 < 動物 > - Animal
*운동 <[[運]][[動]]> - Exercise
|ex5 = 행동 < 行動 > - Action
*자동차 <[[自]][[動]][[車]]> - Car
|ex6 = 동작 < 動作 > - Movement
*동물 <[[動]][[物]]> - Animal
|ex7 = 동사 < 動詞 > - Verb
*행동 <[[行]][[動]]> - Action
|ex8 = 진동 < 振動 > - Vibration
* 동작 <[[動]][[作]]> - Movement
|ex9 =
* 동사 <[[動]][[詞]]> - Verb
|ex10 =
* 진동 <[[振]][[動]]> - Vibration
* 감동 <[[感]][[動]]> - Strong impression
* 변동 <[[變]][[動]]> - Change
|char = 력 < 力 > - Power, strength, ability
|kor = 동
|ex1 = 노력 < 努力 > - Effort, hard work
|char =
|ex2 = 능력 < 能力 > - Ability
|def = Village, division of a 구([[區]]), cave
|ex3 =  
|examples=*동사무소 <[[洞]][[事]][[務]][[所]]> - The office of a dong, village office
|ex4 =  
*동장 <[[洞]][[長]]> - The chief of a dong office
|ex5 = 활력 < 活力 > - Vitality
*동네 <[[洞]]-> - One's neighborhood, a village
|ex6 = 사고력 < 思考力 > - Thinking power
*명동 <[[明]][[洞]]> - Myeongdong (famous area in Seoul)
|ex7 = 구매력 < 購買力 > - Purchasing power
*압구정동 <[[狎]][[鷗]][[亭]][[洞]]> - Apgujeong-dong (famous area in Seoul)
|ex8 =  
|ex9 =  
|ex10 = 경제력 < 經濟力 > - Economic power
|kor =
|char =
|def = East
|examples=*동쪽 <[[東]][[쪽]]> - The east
*동해 <[[東]][[海]]> - The East Sea
*동남아시아 <[[東]][[南-]]> - Southeast Asia 
*중동 <[[中]][[東]]> - The Middle East
*동양 <[[東]][[洋]]> - The Orient, The east
*동양인 <[[東]][[洋]][[人]]> - The Oriental people
*동양화 <[[東]][[洋]][[畵]]> - An Oriental painting
*동방예의지국 <[[東]][[方]][[禮]][[儀]][[之]][[國]]> - The country of courteous people in the East;Korea
*동문서답 <[[東]][[問]][[西]][[答]]> - An irrelevant answer, An incoherent reply
*동대문 <[[東]][[大]][[門]]> - The East Gate of Seoul (Dongdaemoon)
|kor =
|char =
|def = Power, strength, ability (also [[역]])
|examples=*노력 <[[努力]]> - effort, hard work
*능력 <[[能]][[力]]> - ability
*압력 <[[壓]][[力]]> - pressure
*폭력 <[[暴]][[力]]> - violence
*활력 <[[活]][[力]]> - vitality
*체력 <[[體]][[力]]> - physical strength, stamina
*사고력 <[[思]][[考]][[力]]> - thinking power
*잠재력 <[[潛]][[在]][[力]]> - potential energy
*경제력 <[[經]][[濟]][[力]]> - economic power
*동력 <[[動]][[力]]> - motive power, Dynamic force
*마력 <[[馬]][[力]]> - horsepower
|char = 모 < > - Mother
|kor = 모
|ex1 = 부모 < 父母 > - Parents
|char = 母  
|ex2 = 모국 < 母國 > - One's native contry
|def = Mother
|ex3 = 모국어 < 母國語 > - One's native language
|examples=*부모 <[[父]][[母]]> - Parents
|ex4 = 모자 < 母子 > - Mother and Son
*모국 <[[母]][[國]]> - One's native country
|ex5 = 모녀 < 母女 > - Mother and Daughter
*모국어 <[[母]][[國]][[語]]> - One's native language
|ex6 = 산모 < 産母 > - A woman delivered of a child
*모자 <[[母]][[子]]> - Mother and Son
|ex7 = 미혼모 < 未婚母 > -  An unmarried mother
*모녀 <[[母]][[女]]> - Mother and Daughter
|ex8 =
* 산모 <[[産]][[母]]> - A woman delivered of a child
|ex9 =
* 미혼모 <[[未]][[婚]][[母]]> -  An unmarried mother
|ex10 =
* 모음 <[[母]][[音]]> - A vowel
* 모유 <[[母]][[乳]]> - Mother´s milk, Breast milk
* 계모 <[[繼]][[母]]> - A stepmother
<!--Is this the character i originally wanted??-->
|kor = 모
|char = 毛
|def = Hair, fur, wool
|examples=*모발 <[[毛]][[髮]]> - Hair
*모공 <[[毛]][[孔]]> - The skin pores
*체모 <[[體]][[毛]]> - Body hair
*모근 <[[毛]][[根]]> - The root of hair
*탈모 <[[脫]][[毛]]> - Falling out of hair
* 모피 <[[毛]][[皮]]> - Fur
* 장모종 <[[長]][[毛]][[種]]> - A dog or cat which has a long hair ( terrier, golden retriever ... )
* 단모종 <[[短]][[毛]][[種]]> - A dog or cat which has a short hair ( chihuahua,  beagle, pug ...)
* 양모 <[[羊]][[毛]]> - Wool
* 모직 <[[毛]][[織]]> - Woolen fabric
|char = 문 < > - Writings
|kor = 문
|ex1 = 문장 < 文章 > - Sentence
|char =
|ex2 = 문법 < 文法 > - Grammar
|def = Writings, sentence, literature
|ex3 = 문제 < 文題 > - Subject of a composition
|examples=*문장 <[[文]][[章]]> - Sentence
|ex4 = 작문 < 作文 > - Composition
*문법 <[[文]][[法]]> - Grammar
|ex5 = 문화 < 文化 > - Culture
*작문 <[[作]][[文]]> - Composition
|ex6 = 문학 < 文學 > - Literature
*문화 <[[文]][[化]]> - Culture
|ex7 =
*논문 <[[論]][[文]]> - Thesis, Paper
|ex8 =
* 한문 <[[漢]][[文]]> - Chinese writing
|ex9 =
* 문맹 <[[文]][[盲]]> - An illiterate person
|ex10 =
* 문서 <[[文]][[書]]> - A document
* 문자 <[[文]][[字]]> - Letters
* 문학 <[[文]][[學]]> - Literature
|char = 문 < > - Door
|kor = 문
|ex1 = 창문 < 窓門 > - Window
|char =
|ex2 = 정문 < 正門 > - Front gate
|def = Door, Family, Specialty
|ex3 = 남대문 < 南大門 > - The South Gate of Seoul
|examples=*창문 <[[窓]][[門]]> - Window
|ex4 =
*정문 <[[正]][[門]]> - Front gate
|ex5 =
*남대문 <[[南]][[大]][[門]]> - The South Gate of Seoul
|ex6 =
*문단속 <[[門]][[團]][[束]]> - Locking a door
|ex7 =
*교문 <[[校]][[門]]> - A school gate
|ex8 =
* 출입문 <[[出]][[入]][[門]]> - Entrance, Exit
|ex9 =
* 철문 <[[鐵]][[門]]> - An iron door
|ex10 = 문단속 < 門團束 > - Locking a door
* 입문 <[[入]][[門]]> - An introduction
* 명문 <[[名]][[門]]> - A distinguished family (명문대학교: A university of high reputation)
* 전문 <[[專]][[門]]> - A specialty
|char = 문 < > - To ask
|kor = 문  
|ex1 = 질문 < 質問 > - A question
|char =
|ex2 = 문제 < 問題 > - A question, A problem, Trouble
|def = To ask
|ex3 = 문답 < 問答 > - Questions and Answers
|examples=*질문 <[[質]][[問]]> - A question
|ex4 = 설문지 < 設問紙 > - Questionnaire
*문제 <[[問]][[題]]> - A question, A problem, Trouble
|ex5 =
*문답 <[[問]][[答]]> - Questions and Answers
|ex6 =
*설문지 <[[設]][[問]][[紙]]> - Questionnaire
|ex7 =
*의문 <[[疑]][[問]]> - A doubt, A question
|ex8 =
* 의문사 <[[疑]][[問]][[死]]> - A mysterious death
|ex9 =
* 의문사 <[[疑]][[問]][[詞]]> - An interrogative
|ex10 =
* 고문 <[[拷]][[問]]> -  Torture
* 반문(하다) <[[反]][[問]]> - To ask in return
* 문병 <[[問]][[病]]> - A visit to a sick person
|char = 미 < > - Beauty, America
|kor = 미
|ex1 = 미술 < 美術 > - Art
|char = 美  
|ex2 = 미인 < 美人 > - A beautiful woman
|def = Beauty, America
|ex3 = 미남 < 美男 > - A hansome man
|examples=*미술 <[[美]][[術]]> - Art
|ex4 = 각선미 < 脚線美 > - The beauty of leg lines
*미인 <[[美]][[人]]> - A beautiful woman
|ex5 = 미용실 < 美容室 > - A beauty salon
*미남 <[[美]][[男]]> - A hansome man
|ex6 = 미국 < 美國 > - America
*각선미 <[[脚]][[線]][[美]]> - The beauty of leg lines
|ex7 = 미군 < 美軍 > -  The U.S. Armed Forces
*미용실 <[[美]][[容]][[室]]> - A beauty salon
|ex8 = 재미교포 < 在美僑胞 > - Korean residents in America
* 미적감각 <[[美]][[的]][[感]][[覺]]> - A sense of beauty
|ex9 = 한미 < 韓美 > - Korea and America
* 미국 <[[美]][[國]]> - America
|ex10 =
* 미군 <[[美]][[軍]]> -  The U.S. Armed Forces
* 재미교포 <[[在]][[美]][[僑]][[胞]]> - Korean residents in America
* 한미 <[[韓]][[美]]> - Korea and America
[[Important 한자 2|'''Important 한자 2''' →]]
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Latest revision as of 10:04, 26 August 2014


Hanja is the Korean name for Chinese characters. More specifically, it refers to those Chinese characters borrowed from Chinese and incorporated into the Korean language with Korean pronunciation. Since a lot of Korean words are derived from Chinese, learning 한자 can be like learning prefixes, suffixes and root words. This section will introduce to you important 한자 characters, some of them which are not beginner level characters.

Please note: - means there is no Hanja character for it, i.e. 동네 <->. There is no Hanja character for 네, - is not to be confused for 일 ().

Also note that some chinese characters have two ways to pronounce it. For example, '', whch means 'female' can be pronounced as both '여' and '녀' in Korean. But as you can see from the examples, 여 is only used when it comes as the first syllable of a word, while 녀 is only used in the middle of a word or at the end. This is a special grammatical rule called '두음법칙' or '머리소리 법칙' and North Korea doesn't follow this rule (nor do they use 한자 anymore).

Days of the week

Let's start with the days of the week, since it's basic. Just focus on the characters 日, 月, 火, 水, 木, 金, and 土.

Sun day
(일) - the sun
Moon day
(월) - the moon
Fire day
(화) - fire
Water day
(수) - water
Tree day
(목) - tree
Metal/gold day
(금) - gold, metal
Earth day
(토) - soil, earth

Important 한자 1

Part 1 contains 한자 characters from ㄱ to ㅁ.

강 <江> - River

  • 강 <> - River
  • 한강 <> - Han River
  • 강남 <> - South of the river
  • 강북 <> - North of the river
  • 강가 - Riverside,Riverbank
  • 강변 <> - Riverside,Riverbank
  • 강변도로 <> - Riverside road
  • 강둑 - River embankment
  • 강물 - River water
  • 강줄기 - River course
For more examples see:

고 <高> - High, Tall

  • 고속 <> - High speed
  • 고속버스 - Express bus
  • 고층 <> - Upper floors
  • 고층빌딩 <--> - Skyscraper
  • 고급 <> - High rank, High grade/class, Seniority
  • 최고 <> - Maximum, Best, Supremacy
  • 고등 <> - High level (grade)
  • 고등학교 <> - High school
  • 고등학생 <> - High school student
  • 고혈압 <> - High blood pressure
For more examples see:

과 <科> - Section, Department, Science

  • 치과 <> - Dentist office, Dentistry
  • 안과 <> - Ophthalmology
  • 정형외과 <> - Orthopedics
  • 과목 <> - Subject, Lesson
  • 학과 <> - School subject, Lesson
  • 교과서 <> - Textbook, Schoolbook
  • 영문학과 <> - The English literature department
  • 컴퓨터공학과 <---> - The computer engineering department
  • 과학 <> - Science
  • 과학자 <> - Scientist
For more examples see:

교 <敎> - Teach, faith, religion

For more examples see:

교 <校> - School

  • 학교 <> - School
  • 초등학교 <> - Elementary school
  • 모교 <> - Alma mater
  • 등교 <> - Attending school
  • 교문 <> - School gate
  • 교가 <> - School song
  • 교정 <> - The campus
  • 교복 <> - School uniform
  • 교훈 <> - Motto for school discipline
  • 교장 <> - Principal, Head a school
For more examples see:

구 <區> - District, ward , area

  • 강남구 <江南區> - Gangnam district
  • 성북구 <城北區> - Sungbuk district
  • 구청 <> - District office
  • 구민 <> - The inhabitants of a district
  • 구분 <> - A division, A section
  • 구역 <> - A zone, A district
  • 구획 <> - A section, A division
  • 구별 <> - Distinction, Classification
  • 구간 <> - A section, A block
  • 지역구 <> - Local constituencies(electorates)
For more examples see:

구 <口> - Entrance, gate, mouth, open end

For more examples see:

국 <國> - Nation, country

  • 국민 <> - A nation, the nation, a people the people
  • 외국 <> - A foreign country
  • 한국 <> - Korea
  • 미국 <> - The United States
  • 중국 <> - China
  • 국화 <> - National Flower
  • 국회 <> - The National Assembly
  • 국민 연금 <> - National pension
  • 국가 <> - National anthem
  • 국보 <> - National treasure(heirloom)
For more examples see:

남 <南> - South

  • 강남 <> - south of the river
  • 경상남도 <> - south 경상 province
  • 전라남도<> - south 전라 province
  • 충청남도 <> - south 충청 province
  • 남한 <> - south Korea
  • 남대문 <> - the South Gate of Seoul (Namdaemoon)
  • 남산 <> - the South Mountain of Seoul (Namsan)
  • 남극 <> - the South Pole
  • 남해 <> - the southern sea
  • 남향 <> - a southern exposure
  • 남풍 <> - the south wind
  • 남미 <> - South America
For more examples see:

남 <男> - Male

  • 남자 <> - Man, Male
  • 남편 <便> - Husband
  • 장남 <> - The oldest son
  • 차남 <> - One´s second son
  • 처남 <> - A one's brother-in-law
  • 남동생 <> - A younger brother
  • 남학생 <> - A boy student
  • 남성호르몬 <-> - Male hormone(testosterone)
  • 득남 <> - Begetting a son
  • 남성미 <> - Masculine beauty
For more examples see:

녀 <女> - Female (also )

  • 여자 <> - Woman, Female
  • 장녀 <> - The oldest daughter
  • 여학생 <> - A girl student
  • 여군 <> - A woman soldier
  • 남녀평등 <> - The equality of the sexes
  • 여동생 <> - A younger sister
  • 해녀 <> - A woman diver for gathering seafoods
  • 소녀 <> - A young girl
  • 득녀 <> - Begetting a daughter
  • 여성미 <> - The feminine beauty
For more examples see:

년 <年> - Year (also )

For more examples see:

대 <大> - Big, large

For more examples see:

도 <道> - Road, Morality

  • 도로 <> - Road, Way
  • 철도 <> - Railroad, Railway
  • 횡단보도 <> - Crosswalk
  • 인도 <> - Sidewalk, Footpath
  • 복도 <> - Hallway
  • 도덕 <> - Morality, Ethics
  • 효도 <> - Filial piety
  • 태권도 <> - Taekwondo (the Korean art of self-defense)
  • 도리 <> - Truth, Justice
  • 불도 <> - Buddhism, The teachings of Buddha
For more examples see:

동 <同> - The same

  • 동일 <一> - Sameness, Oneness
  • 동료 <> - A co-worker, A colleague
  • 동호회 <> - A club
  • 동감(하다) <> - The same feeling, To feel the same way
  • 동의하다 <> - To agree with a person
  • 동의어 <> - A synonym
  • 동시 <> - The same time
  • 동생 <> - A younger brother/sister
  • 공동 <> - Association
  • 동고동락(하다) <> - To share one´s joys and sorrows with someone
For more examples see:

동 <動> - Be moving, be in motion

For more examples see:

동 <洞> - Village, division of a 구(), cave

  • 동사무소 <> - The office of a dong, village office
  • 동장 <> - The chief of a dong office
  • 동네 <-> - One's neighborhood, a village
  • 명동 <> - Myeongdong (famous area in Seoul)
  • 압구정동 <> - Apgujeong-dong (famous area in Seoul)
For more examples see:

동 <東> - East

  • 동쪽 <> - The east
  • 동해 <> - The East Sea
  • 동남아시아 <南-> - Southeast Asia
  • 중동 <> - The Middle East
  • 동양 <> - The Orient, The east
  • 동양인 <> - The Oriental people
  • 동양화 <> - An Oriental painting
  • 동방예의지국 <> - The country of courteous people in the East;Korea
  • 동문서답 <西> - An irrelevant answer, An incoherent reply
  • 동대문 <> - The East Gate of Seoul (Dongdaemoon)
For more examples see:

력 <力> - Power, strength, ability (also )

  • 노력 <努力> - effort, hard work
  • 능력 <> - ability
  • 압력 <> - pressure
  • 폭력 <> - violence
  • 활력 <> - vitality
  • 체력 <> - physical strength, stamina
  • 사고력 <> - thinking power
  • 잠재력 <> - potential energy
  • 경제력 <> - economic power
  • 동력 <> - motive power, Dynamic force
  • 마력 <> - horsepower
For more examples see:

모 <母> - Mother

  • 부모 <> - Parents
  • 모국 <> - One's native country
  • 모국어 <> - One's native language
  • 모자 <> - Mother and Son
  • 모녀 <> - Mother and Daughter
  • 산모 <> - A woman delivered of a child
  • 미혼모 <> - An unmarried mother
  • 모음 <> - A vowel
  • 모유 <> - Mother´s milk, Breast milk
  • 계모 <> - A stepmother
For more examples see:

모 <毛> - Hair, fur, wool

  • 모발 <> - Hair
  • 모공 <> - The skin pores
  • 체모 <> - Body hair
  • 모근 <> - The root of hair
  • 탈모 <> - Falling out of hair
  • 모피 <> - Fur
  • 장모종 <> - A dog or cat which has a long hair ( terrier, golden retriever ... )
  • 단모종 <> - A dog or cat which has a short hair ( chihuahua, beagle, pug ...)
  • 양모 <> - Wool
  • 모직 <> - Woolen fabric
For more examples see:

문 <文> - Writings, sentence, literature

For more examples see:

문 <門> - Door, Family, Specialty

  • 창문 <> - Window
  • 정문 <> - Front gate
  • 남대문 <> - The South Gate of Seoul
  • 문단속 <> - Locking a door
  • 교문 <> - A school gate
  • 출입문 <> - Entrance, Exit
  • 철문 <> - An iron door
  • 입문 <> - An introduction
  • 명문 <> - A distinguished family (명문대학교: A university of high reputation)
  • 전문 <> - A specialty
For more examples see:

문 <問> - To ask

  • 질문 <> - A question
  • 문제 <> - A question, A problem, Trouble
  • 문답 <> - Questions and Answers
  • 설문지 <> - Questionnaire
  • 의문 <> - A doubt, A question
  • 의문사 <> - A mysterious death
  • 의문사 <> - An interrogative
  • 고문 <> - Torture
  • 반문(하다) <> - To ask in return
  • 문병 <> - A visit to a sick person
For more examples see:

미 <美> - Beauty, America

For more examples see:
