게 되다

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Grammar pattern : Description


Conjugation Rule

Conjugation Rule
Pattern Case Example
Rule 1: If there is no 받침 or if the adjective/verb stem has ㄹ as a 받침
Rule 2: If there is a 받침 at the end of the adjective/verb stem

Sentence Examples

Korean English Notes
한국에는 어떻게 오게 되었어요? What brings you here in Korea? polite informal form
여자친구가 한국에 살아서 오게 되었어요. My girlfriend lives in Korea, so I came here. polite informal form
드디어 이사를 가게 되었어. Finally my mov[ing] was complete low form
처음에는 김치가 싫었지만, 이제 좋아하게 되었어요. At first I didn't like kimchi but now I have come to like it polite informal form
나 미국에 돌아가게 됐어. I completed my travel to enter America low form
아내 덕분에 담배를 끊게 되었어요. I quit smoking because of my wife polite informal form
철수가 장학금을 받게 됐어요. Jeul Su received scholarship funds polite informal form
드디어 지은씨를 만나게 되었어요. I finally met Ji En polite informal form
그 분을 사랑하게 됐어. I came to love that person low form
나 다쳐서 수술하게 됐어. Since I was cut, I had to get surgery low form


  • Special pronunciation rule?

See Also

SNU green pg 21 to come/happen to V