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Meaning:Negation, non-, in-, un-. Also see: [[불#不|불]]
Meaning:Negation, non-, in-, un-. Also see: [[불#不|불]]
*불평등 <不平等> - Discrimination
*부족(하다) <[[不]][[足]]> - insufficiency, shortage, to be insufficient
*불편(하다) <不便> - Uncomfortable
*부도덕(하다)<[[不]][[道]][[德]]> - immorality, to be immoral
*부족(하다) <不足> - Insufficient
*부재중 <[[不]][[在]][[中]]> - during one´s absence
*부정 <不正> - Unlawfulness, Dishonesty
*부재중통화 <[[不]][[在]][[中]][[通]][[話]]> - a missed call
*불만 <不滿> - Dissatisfaction
*부적절(하다) <[[不]][[適]][[切]]―> - to be inappropriate, unsuitable
*부도덕(하다)<不道德> - Immoral
*부득이 <[[不]][[得]][[已]]> - unavoidably, inevitably
*부재중 <不在中> - During one´s absence
*부정 <[[不]][[正]]> - unlawfulness, dishonesty
*부재중통화 <不在中通話> - Missed call
*부정 <[[不]][[貞]]> - infidelity, unfaithfulness (marriage)
*불가능(하다) <不可能> - Impossible
*부적절(하다) <不適切―> - To be inappropriate, unsuitable
*부득이 <不得已> - Unavoidably, Inevitably

Revision as of 02:39, 18 December 2009

Want to know more about 한자? Head over to the important 한자 page.


Meaning:sub-, vice-, under-

  • 부전공 <副專攻> - a minor
  • 부업 <副業> - a side job
  • 부통령 <副統領> - a vice-president
  • 부제 <副題> - a subtitle
  • 부반장 <副班長> - a vice president of a class
  • 부지배인 <副支配人> - an assistant manager
  • 부작용 <副作用> - a side effect
  • 부회장 <副會長> - A vice-chairman
  • 부상 <副賞> - an extra(a supplementary) prize
  • 부산물 <副産物> - a by-product
    • 부전공 <> - a minor (university)


Meaning: Wealth, Riches

  • 부 <富> - Wealth, Riches
  • 부유(하다) <富有> - Wealthy
  • 부유층 <富裕層> - The wealthy classes
  • 부자 <富者> - A Rich person
  • 풍부(하다) <豊富> - Abundant
  • 졸부 <猝富> - An overnight millionaire
  • 갑부 <甲富> - A millionaire
  • 빈부격차 <貧富隔差> - A gap between rich and poor
  • 부익부 빈익빈 <富益富 貧益貧> - The rich-get-richer and the poor-get-poorer
  • 국부론 <國富論> - The Wealth of Nations By Adam Smith


Meaning:Negation, non-, in-, un-. Also see:

  • 부족(하다) <> - insufficiency, shortage, to be insufficient
  • 부도덕(하다)<> - immorality, to be immoral
  • 부재중 <> - during one´s absence
  • 부재중통화 <> - a missed call
  • 부적절(하다) <―> - to be inappropriate, unsuitable
  • 부득이 <> - unavoidably, inevitably
  • 부정 <> - unlawfulness, dishonesty
  • 부정 <> - infidelity, unfaithfulness (marriage)


Meaning: Part

  • 부분 <部分> - a part, a portion, a section, a piece
  • 일부 <一部>
    • 일부의 사람들 - Some people
    • 오세아닉 815편 생존자 중 일부는 섬을 빠져나왔다.
    • 일부분 <一部分> - Partial, sectional
  • 대부분 <大部分> - Most of, the greater part of
  • 간부 <幹部> - An executive
  • 내부 <內部> - The inside, the inner part
  • 외부 <外部> - The outside
  • 부품 <部品> - Parts, component (of car, computer, cellphone, etc.)
  • 전부 <全部> - All
  • 북부 <北部> - The north;the northern part
    • 중부 <中部> - The central[middle] part
    • 남부 <南部> - The southern part
    • 서부 <西部> - The western part
    • 동부 <東部> - The eastern part
  • 복부 <腹部> - The abdomen

See also