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Tense And Politness Level

In addition to make declarative, interrogative, imperative and "let's" sentences,at different levels of politeness, you take the verb stem and add the following suffixes.

1. Declarative Sentences

Verb Ending Politeness level Tense
-아/어/여요 Formal Present
-았/었/였어요 Formal Past
-(으)ㄹ거예요 Formal Future
-ᄇ/습니다 Honorific Present
-았/었/였-습니다 Honorific Past
-(으)ᄅ 겁니다 Honorific Future
-아/어/여 Informal Present
-았/었/였어 Informal Past
-(으)ㄹ 거야 Informal Future

2. Interrogative Sentences

Verb Ending Politeness level Tense
-(으)ㄹ까요 Formal Present(used in future tense too)
-았/었/였+-(으)ㄹ까요 Formal Past
-ᄇ/습니까 Honorific Present
-았/었/였 +습니까 Honorific Past
-(으)ᄅ 겁니까 Honorific Future
-(으)ㄹ까 Informal Present (used in future tense too)
-았/었/였+-(으)ㄹ까 Informal Past

3. Imperative Sentences

Verb Ending Politeness level Tense Meaning
-(으)세요 Formal Present
-아/어/여 + 주세요 Formal Present Implies the meaning "Do it for me"
-(으)십시오 Honorific Present
-(으)세 Informal Present

4. "Let's" Sentences

Verb Ending Politness level Tense
-아/어/여요 (same as present tense) Formal Future
-ㅂ/읍시다 Honorific Future
-자 Informal Future

Various Endings

The following endings are either in 격식체 (formal), either unconjugated. If you want to make sentences you have to conjugate them (at what tense you want) or if you want to make 비격식체 (informal) sentences, you just drop 요.See the tables above if you don't know the endings for tenses.

Korean Romanization Meaning
-지 마세요 -ji ma-se-yo Don't do it, don't do "something" (Ex:울지 마세요 = Don't cry.)
-지 않다 -ji an-ta Negative form of verbs (Ex:먹지 않다 = to not eat)
  • Verb stems ending with a vowel + ㄹ.
  • Verb stems ending with a consonant + 을.</ref>
-(eu)l-lae-yo I Want to..., Do you want to...? (Ex:갈래요 = I want to go.)
-(으)면 좋겠어요 -(eu)myeon jo-ge-sseo-yo I hope, I wish (Ex:빨리 끝나면 좋겠어요 = I hope/wish this finishes quickly.)
-(으)ㄹ 수 있다 -(eu)l su it-da To “can” do something (Ex:먹을 수 있어요 = I can eat.)
-(으)ㄹ 수 없다 -(eu)l su eops-da To “can not” do something (Ex:먹을 수 없어요 = I can't eat.)
-(으)ㄹ 줄 알다 -(eu)l jul al-da To "know how to do" something (Ex:먹을 줄 알아요 = I know how to eat.)
-(으)ㄹ 줄 모르다 -(eu)l jul mo-reu-da To "not know how to do" something (Ex:먹을 줄 몰라요 = I don't know how to eat.)
  • Verb stems ending with a vowel + 를.
  • Verb stems ending with a consonant + 을.</ref> 잘 하다
-eul/reul jal ha-da To be "good at" doing something (Ex:요리를 잘 해요 = I'm good at cooking/ I cook well.)
-을/를 잘 못 하다 -eul/reul jal mot ha-da To be "bad/poor at" doing something (Ex:요리를 잘 못 해요 = I'm bad at cooking.)
  • Verb stems ending with a vowel ㅏ or ㅗ + 아.
  • Verb stems ending with a consonant or another vowel than ㅏ or ㅗ, + 어.
  • Verb stems ending with 하 + 여 .</ref>-야 되다/하다
-a/eo/yeo-ya doe-da/ha-da To "have to, must ,should" (Ex:던져도 돼요 = You have to throw it.)
-(으)면 안 되다 -(eu)myeon an doe-da To "don't have to, shouldn’t, not supposed to" (Ex:던지면 안 돼요 = You're not supposed to throw it.)
-아/어/여지다 -a/eo/yeo-ji-da To become + descriptive verb (Ex:추워지다 = To become cold.)
-(으)면 -(eu)myeon Verb ending for “if” (Ex:자면 = If you sleep...)
-고 있다 -go it-da Present progressive(Ex:일하고 있어요 = I am working)
-기만 하다 -gi-man ha-da Implies the meaning of "only" (Ex:보기만 하다 = to only see, to just look)
-자마자 -ja-ma-ja Implies the meaning of "right after", "as soon as". (Ex:보자마자 = As soon as I see...)
-(으)니까요 or -아/어/여서요 -(eu)-ni-kka-yo or -a/eo/yeo-seo-yo Implies the meaning of "because", "since", but -아/어/여서요 can't be used in imperative sentences (Ex:바쁘니까요 = I'm busy so.../Because I'm busy ...)
-(으)ㄴ/는지요 <ref>
  • -는지요 - used only with action verbs and when the verb stem ends with ㄹ, you drop the ㄹ and add -는지요
  • -(으)ㄴ지요 - used only with descriptive verbs and:
    • Verb stems ending with a vowel + -ㄴ지요
    • Verb stems ending with a consonant + -은지요 </ref>
-(eu)n/neun-ji-yo Implies the meaning of "whether or not" (Ex:괜찮은지요? = You are ok or you are not ok?)
-(으)ㄹ까요 -(eu)l-kka-yo Shall we...? or I wonder... (Ex:갈까요? = Shall we go?/ I wonder if should we go.)
-(으)ㄹ게요 -(eu)l-ge-yo Your futures actions or decisions AS A REACTION TO or AS A RESULT OF what the

other person says (Ex:공부할게요=(If you say so) I will study.

-(으)려고 하다 -(eu)ryeo-go ha-da I'm planning to, it's about to, to intend to (Ex:사려고 하다 = to planning to buy.)
-(으)ㄴ/-는/-(으)ㄹ 것 같아요<ref>
  • -(으)ㄴ 것 같아요 = present tense for descriptive verbs / past tense for action verbs
  • -는 것 같아요 = present tense for action verbs
  • -(으)ㄹ 것 같아요 = future tense for action/descriptive verbs .</ref>
-(eu)n/-neun/-(eu)l geot ga-ta-yo To look like/to seem like + verb (Ex:비싼 것 같아요 = It looks expensive.)
-(으)ㄴ/-는/-(으)ㄹ 것 같다 -(eu)n/-neun/-(eu)l geot gat-da Like above, it means "it seems that","it looks like", but korean use this more often when they want to say "I THINK THAT..." in a way not to direct (Ex:비싼 것 같아요 = I think that's expensive (so let's go to another place).)
-나 보다 -na bo-da To assume, to suppose (based on a fact), used only with action verbs (Ex:모르나 봐요 = I guess you don't know.)
-(으)ㄴ가 보다 -(eu)n-ga bo-da To assume, to suppose (based on a fact), used only with descriptive verbs (Ex:바쁜가 봐요 = I guess you're busy.)
-(으)려나 보다 -(eu)ryeo-na bo-da To assume, to suppose (not based on a fact, it's just your imagination), used only with action verbs (Ex:사랑하려나 봐요 = I guess he will love me (one day).)
-(으)ㄹ 수도 있다 -(eu)l su-do it-da It’s possible that..., it might or it could (Ex:올 수도 있어요 = I might come/I could came/ It's possible to come.)
-(으)ㄹ 리가 없다 -(eu)l li-ga eops-da It's impossible to, It can't be... (Ex:그럴 리가 없어요 = That's impossible.)
-아/어/여 보다 -a/eo/yeo bo-da To try doing something
-(으)ㄹ 뻔 했다 -(eu)l ppeon haet-da To almost do something (Ex:믿을 뻔 했다 = To almost believed it.)
-게 되다 -ge doe-da To end up doing something, to eventually find oneself doing something (Ex:사게 되다 = To end up buying (something).)
-잖아요 -ja-na-yo It's an expresion that means "You see...", "Come on..." (Ex:귀엽잖아요 = You see, it's cute/ Come on, it's cute.)
-지요 -ji-yo Implies the meaning "Doesn't it/Isn't it so?" (Ex:춥지요 = It's cold, doesn't it?)
-(으)ㄹ 수 밖에 없다 -(eu)l su ba-kke eopda To “have no other choice but to” do something. (Ex:이야기할 수 밖에 없다 = to have no other choice but to talk (to somebody).)
-고 있는 중이다 or -는 중 -go it-neun jung-i-da or -neun jung To be in the middle of + verb-ing (Ex:일하는 중이에요 = I'm in the middle of working)
-(으)ㄴ/는 김에 -(eu)n/neun gi-me Represent an opportunity or reason to do something, so it has the meaning "since i am already", "while I am there" (Ex:가는 김에... = Since/While you are going to + another action)


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