Hangeul step 4

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In this lesson, you will learn:

  • Consonants: ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅊ, ㅍ, ㅎ
  • Vowels: ㅑ, ㅕ, ㅛ, ㅠ, ㅒ, ㅖ

ㅛ (vowel)

ㅋ (consonant)


For full information about this letter, see .


For full information about this letter, see .

Practice 카 (replace with image)
Practice 키 (replace with image)
Practice 코 (replace with image)
Practice 쿄 (replace with image)
Practice 소 (replace with image)
Practice 쇼 (replace with image)

ㅠ (vowel)

ㅌ (consonant)


For full information about this letter, see .


For full information about this letter, see .

Practice 투 (replace with image)
Practice 튜 (replace with image)
Practice 수 (replace with image)
Practice 슈 (replace with image)

ㅕ (vowel)

ㅍ (consonant)


For full information about this letter, see .


For full information about this letter, see .

Practice 피 (replace with image)
Practice 표 (replace with image)
Practice 퓨 (replace with image)
Practice 펴 (replace with image)
Practice 겨 (replace with image)
Practice 켜 (replace with image)
Practice 서 (replace with image)
Practice 셔 (replace with image)

ㅑ (vowel)

ㅊ (consonant)


For full information about this letter, see .


For full information about this letter, see .

Practice 지 (replace with image)
Practice 치 (replace with image)
Practice 쳐 (replace with image)
Practice 냐 (replace with image)
Practice 사 (replace with image)
Practice 샤 (replace with image)

ㅖ (vowel)

ㅎ (consonant)


For full information about this letter, see .


For full information about this letter, see .

Practice 히 (replace with image)
Practice 호 (replace with image)
Practice 효 (replace with image)
Practice 휴 (replace with image)
Practice 혜 (replace with image)
Practice 계 (replace with image)

ㅒ (vowel)


For full information about this letter, see .

Young Male
Young Female

Practice 걔 (replace with image)
Practice 쟤 (replace with image)

Real Examples

Practice with these real Korean words:

Word Male voice Female voice
가르치다 (to teach)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

가리키다 (to point at)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

가치 (value)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

고추 (hot pepper)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

고프다 (to be hungry)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

교수 (professor)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

구타 (beating)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

구토 (vomiting)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

구치소 (prison)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

구하다 (to rescue)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

구호 (a slogan)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

기계 (machine)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

기타 (guitar)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

기차 (train)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

기차표 (railroad ticket)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

기체 (gas, vapor)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

기초 (basis)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

기호 (symbol)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

나타나다 (to appear)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

노예 (slave)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

노크 (knock)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

노처녀 (maiden lady)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

니트 (knitwear)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

다치다 (to get hurt)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

대여 (a loan)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

도토리 (acorn)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

도표 (chart, diagram)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

디저트 (dessert)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

마치다 (to finish)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

매표소 (ticket office)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

며느리 (daughter-in-law)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

모피 (fur)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

묘지 (grave)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

미치다 (to be crazy)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

바코드 (bar code)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

바베큐 (barbecue)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

배터리 (battery)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

배추 (Chinese cabbage)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

벼 (rice plant)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

부여하다 (to bless someone)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

부케 (bouquet)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

보드카 (vodka)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

보호하다 (to protect)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

비키니 (bikini)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

비키다 (to move aside)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

사투리 (dialect)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

사치 (luxury)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

사표 (letter of resignation)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

서해 (the western sea)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

세차 (car washing)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

수표 (check)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

소파 (sofa)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

시차 (time difference)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

시츄 (shih tzu)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

시키다 (to order)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

셰퍼드 (German shepherd dog)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

아파트 (apartment)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

아프다 (to be painful)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

아토피 (atopy)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

야하다 (to be vulgar)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

얘기 (story)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

여보 (honey [married couple] )

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

여자 (girl)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

예 (example)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

예고 (advance notice)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

오토바이 (motorcycle)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

오해 (misunderstanding)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

오후 (afternoon)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

요구르트 (yogurt)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

요리 (cooking)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

우유 (milk)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

우표 (postage stamp)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

이유 (reason)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

이야기하다 (to talk)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

주차 (parking)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

조카 (nephew)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

지하 (underground)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

지폐 (paper money)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

지혜 (wisdom)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

차 (tea)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

차표 (bus ticket)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

차례 (order, turn)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

초대하다 (to invite)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

카드 (card)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

카카오 (cacao)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

카페 (cafe)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

캐나다 (Canada)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

커피 (coffee)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

코 (nose)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

쿠키 (cookies)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

크리스마스 (Christmas)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

키 (height)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

키스 (kiss)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

타이어 (tire)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

토미토 (tomato)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

토하다 (to throw up)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

포도 (grape)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

피부 (skin)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

하다 (to do)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

허리 (waist)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

호주 (Australia)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

휴가 (holiday, rest day )

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

휴지 (toilet paper)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

얘 (him/her)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

걔 (him/her)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

쟤 (him/her)

Error: file J.mp3 not found

Error: file C.mp3 not found

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