Hangeul step 5/ru

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Согласная + горизонтальная гласная + согласная
Согласная + вертикальная гласная + согласная

До этого момента в целях упрощения мы изучали слоги состоящие только из двух букв. Теперь давайте изучим слоги из трёх букв, когда вторая согласная пишется снизу остальных букв. Пример предложения внизу показывает буквы в конечной позиции (выделены синим):

Badchim sentence.png

Этот шаг познакомит вас, как звучат буквы в финальной позиции. У некоторых из них звуки очень отличаются от их звуков в обычном положении. Пока что давайте добавим буквы ㄴ и ㅁ, поскольку они не меняют своего звука в конечной позиции. Просто помните, что каждый блок букв произносится как один слог. Чтобы быстрее понять, давайте рассмотрим несколько простых примеров.

사람 (человек)
라면 (рамен)
몸매 (форма, фигура)
금지 (запрет)
신문 (газета)

Перенос звука

Если согласная в конечной позиции следует за гласной, звук переносится на следующий слог. Единственный звук, который не переносится - ㅇ поскольку довольно странно начинать слог со звука "нг". Так же ㅎ становится немой, если за ней следует гласная.

Произношение перед гласными
Оригинал Действительное произношение Аудио
맞아 마자
먹어 머거
집에 지베
좋아 조아
놀아 노라
필요하다 피료하다
한국어 한구거
졸업 조럽
십일 시빌
콩이1 콩이
  1. Если в финальной позиции ㅇ - переноса звука не происходит.

Different sounds

If a consonant in the final position and it is not followed by a vowel (meaning it is the last syllable of the word or followed by another consonant), then it may have a different pronunciation. You will notice from the tables below that many characters share the same sound when in the final position.

Also as you will notice, there are also the letters ㄲ and ㅆ below which we haven't learned yet. Don't worry as they are pronounced like some of the letters you have already learned when in the final position, so for now don't worry those letters until the next section.

Below you will see the name's of the consonants letters in Korean. As you can see they begin and end with the same letter, however you may notice most of the sounds at the beginning and end are different. You will also notice that even though some of the last syllables end in a different letter, they make the same sound as other letters. See the examples below, then go in detail about the difference in sounds.

Letter Name of letter Audio
  • Note: ㅃ, ㄸ and ㅉ can't appear in the final position.
Letter(s) Pronunciation Comment
ㄱ,ㄲ,ㅋ /k/
  • The /k/ sound is cut short.
  • ㅋ and ㄲ do not commonly appear in the final position. In fact only a handful of words even have ㅋ in the final position.
악, 앜, 앆 all pronounced the same (audio)
억, 엌, 얶 (audio)
옥, 옼, 옦 (audio)
욱, 웈, 욲 (audio)
익, 잌, 읶 (audio)
고객 (customer)
낙지 (Octopus)
낚시 (fishing)
맥주 (beer)
묶다 (to tie)
부엌 (kitchen)
식사 (meal)

Letter(s) Pronunciation Comment
ㅂ,ㅍ /p/
  • The /p/ sound is cut short.
  • ㅂ appears in the final position more often than ㅍ.
압, 앞
업, 엎
옵, 옾
입, 잎
높다 (to be high)
덥다 (to be hot) / 덮다 (to cover something)
맙소사 (Oh no! Oh my god)
십 (ten)
접시 (dish, plate)
춥다 (to be cold)

Letter(s) Pronunciation Comment
/l/ sound
  • In the final position ㄹ sounds like an /l/ sound instead of an /ɾ/ as we previously learned.
  • However if ㄹ is followed by a vowel it is a /ɾ/ sound.
  • Also if there are two consecutive ㄹ together, the second ㄹ also takes an /l/ sound.
길 (road)
잘 (well)
말 (horse)
물 (water)
칼 (knife)
걸리다 (to be hung)
열리다 (to be opened)
입술 (lips)

Letter(s) Pronunciation Comment
/ŋ/ sound ("ng" sound like in ring or hang)
  • Normally ㅇ acts as a placeholder for a consonant and makes no sound, only in the final position does it make a sound.
강 (river)
건강 (health)
공주 (princess) ongju j.mp3
빙하 (glacier)
증상 (symptom)

Error: file jeungsang C.mp3 not found

Letter(s) Pronunciation Comment
ㄷ, ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅌ, ㅎ /t/ sound
  • The /t/ sound is cut short.
  • ㄷ, ㅊ, ㅈ, ㅌ don't frequently appear in the final position.
  • Although ㅎ is supposed to be a /t/ sound, it often mixes with the consonant it follows causing it to have another sound. This will be discussed later in step 7, so just keep it in mind for now.
앋, 앗, 았, 앚, 앛, 앝, 앟

Error: file at J.mp3 not found

얻, 엇, 었, 엊 엋, 엍, 엏

Error: file eot J.mp3 not found

옫, 옷, 옸, 엊, 엋, 엍, 엏
욷, 웃, 웄, 웆, 웇, 웉, 웋

Error: file ut J.mp3 not found

읻, 잇, 있, 잊, 잋, 잍, 잏

Error: file it J.mp3 not found

곧 (right away) / 곳 (place)
낮잠 (nap)
닻줄 (anchor)
멋쟁이 (stylish person)
있다 (to exist, to have)
찾다 (to find)


Compare the sounds of the final syllable when followed by a vowel, and when it's not followed by a vowel.







  1. Remember ㅅ + 이 becomes a "sh" sound.

More examples

More examples on the next page.

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