N + (이)라서 그래요

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Grammar pattern : Description


Conjugation Rule

Conjugation Rule
Pattern Case Example
Rule 1: If there is no 받침 or if the adjective/verb stem has ㄹ as a 받침
Rule 2: If there is a 받침 at the end of the adjective/verb stem

Sentence Examples

Korean English Notes
왜 철수는 한국말을 못해요?"
"중국인이라서 그래요.
Why Chul Su can't speak Korean?"
"It's because he is Chinese.
Polite informal form
이건 왜이렇게 비싸요?"
"수입품이라서 그래요.
Why is this so expensive?"
"It's because that is an imported goods.
Polite informal form


  • Special pronunciation rule?

See Also