TTMIK nível 9 lição 24 (Brasil)

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If you are familiar with the structure -(으)면서, which was introduced in the previous lesson, it is easy to guess what -(ㄴ/는)다면서(요) and -(이)라면서(요) mean. Origins -(ㄴ/는)다면서(요) is a combination of -(ㄴ/는)다 and -다고 말하면서, and the literal translation is “while saying ABC does XYZ”. Similarly, -(이)라면서(요) is originally -(이)다 + -다고 말하면서 and, therefore, literally translates as “while saying that ABC is XYZ”. However, what makes the endings -(ㄴ/는)다면서(요) and -(이)라면서(요) have different meanings from the literal translations is the fact that they can be used as sentence endings. Note that the endings have -요 at the end for 존댓말. Actual Usage -(ㄴ/는)다면서(요) and -(이)라면서(요) can be used when you want to show your surprise or dissatisfaction after finding out that what you thought was true is not the actual truth, or when you are just fact-checking what you heard before with someone else. Ex) 집에 가다 + -ㄴ다면서요 = 집에 간다면서요 = you said you were going home (but you are here) Ex) 학생 + -이라면서요 = 학생이라면서요 = you said you were a student (yet, apparently,you are not) Ex) 가다 + -라면서요 = 가라면서요 = you told me to leave (and now you are saying otherwise) These endings do not always make the sentence a question, but it is very common to put a question mark at the end of the sentence to emphasize the fact that the speaker was surprised, disappointed, or intrigued, depending on the context. Sample Sentences: 1. 다음 달에 이사간다면서요? = I heard you were going to move next month. 2. 벌써 다 끝났다면서요? = I heard it’s already over. Is that right? 3. 아직 학생이라면서요? = Didn’t you say you were still a student? 4. 잘 모르는 사이라면서요! = You said you didn’t know each other that well! 5. 여자친구 없다면서요. = You said you didn’t have a girlfriend!