TTMIK 이야기 (Iyagi) 75 - English

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경은: 안녕하세요. Talk To Me In Korean의 이야기입니다.

Kyeong-eun: Hello. This is Talk To Me In Korean's Iyagi.

석진: 안녕하세요. 경은 누나.

Seokjin: Hello, Kyeong-eun.

경은: 안녕하세요. 석진 씨.

Kyeong-eun: Hello, Seokjin.

석진: 안녕하세요. 여러분.

Seokjin: Hello, everyone.

경은: 안녕하세요. 여러분.

Kyeong-eun: Hello, everyone.

석진: 경은 누나. (네.) 오늘 주제가 회식인데요.

Seokjin: Kyeong-eun— (Yes?) Today's topic is company dinners.

경은: 네. 회식이에요.

Kyeong-eun: Yeah. It's company dinners.

석진: 네. 제가 정했어요.

Seokjin: Yeah. I chose it.

경은: 왜요?

Kyeong-eun: Why?

석진: 경은 누나, 회식 많이 해 보셨죠?

Seokjin: Kyeong-eun—You've gone on a lot of company dinners, right?

경은: 그렇죠. 저는 회사 다닌 지 오래 돼서 회식 굉장히 많이 했죠.

Kyeong-eun: Sure. It's been a long time since I started working, so I've gone on a whole lot of company dinners.

석진: 그래서 제가 생각하기에 경은 누나가 할 말이 되게 많을 것 같았어요.

Seokjin: So I thought you would really have a lot to say about it.

경은: 그래요? 안 좋은 이야기만 할 텐데.

Kyeong-eun: Oh, yeah? But I'd only tell you bad stories...

석진: 그럼, 회식이 뭐죠?

Seokjin: So, what are company dinners?

경은: 회사에서 하는 식사? 이런 거예요. 근데 보통 식사가 아니라 보통 술을 마시죠.

Kyeong-eun: A meal you eat at work? That kind of thing. But usually it's not a meal, but rather usually you drink alcohol, of course.

석진: 맞아요. 회사 사람들이랑 “더 열심히 일하자”(그렇죠)라는 취지에서 같이 술도 마시고 밥을먹는 그런 자린데요.

Seokjin: That's right. It's when you drink alcohol and eat together with your coworkers in the spirit of saying, “Let's work harder.”

경은: 네. 주로 회사에서 하는 거기 때문에 회사 돈으로 밥을 먹는 거라서, 그건 좋아요.

Kyeong-eun: Yeah. Mainly, because it's a work thing, because you get dinner with the company's money, that part's good.

석진: 네. 너무 너무 좋은 자린데, 밥도 먹고 술도 먹고, 그런데 왜 싫어하시는 거예요?

Seokjin: Yeah. It's so so good, and you eat a meal and drink alcohol, but why is it that you hate it?

경은: 사실 지금은 싫어하지 않아요. 지금 저희 Talk To Me In Korean 팀은 너무 좋으니까, 지금 회식을 하면 좋은데, 옛날에 회사를 다닐 때는 너무 싫었어요.

Kyeong-eun: Actually, now I don't hate it. Since now our Talk To Me In Korean team is so good, now when I go on company dinners it's good, but when I used to work for other companies it was so awful.

석진: 왜요?

Seokjin: Why?

경은: 왜냐하면 회사에서 회식을 하는 이유가 일을 하면서 힘들었으니까 조금 쉬고, 그리고 같이 친해지면서 불만이 있으면 불만도 이야기하고, 그렇게 하라고 회식을 하는 거예요. 사실은. 그렇지만 회식을 가서도 똑같이 부장님, 과장님, 사장님 다한테 다 잘 해야 되고 눈치를 봐야되고 그래야 되잖아요.

Kyeong-eun: Because the reason you have company dinners at work is, since it was hard while working, while resting a bit, and getting closer, when you have a complaint, you talk about it, they have company dinners telling you to do those kinds of things. Actually. But even having gone on a dinner party, the owner, the department head, the general manager—you have to treat them all well exactly the same as always, and you have to keep an eye on them and you have to act like that, don't you?

석진: 맞아요.

Seokjin: That's right.

경은: 그리고 제일 싫은 부분은 술을 억지로 먹여요. 특히 한국 회사들은 그런 곳이 조금 많은 것같아요. 그래서 술 마시기 싫은데 왜 술 안 마시냐고 그러면서 구박하고. (맞아요.) 그리고 심지어는 뭐 전화도 못 받게 하고 그랬었어요. 저희 회사는.

Kyeong-eun: And the most awful part is they force you to drink alcohol. I think there are a lot of Korean companies in particular that are like that. So I hate drinking alcohol, but they pressure me a lot, asking me why I'm not drinking. (That's right.) And the worst is they used to, like, not even let you take phone calls. At my company.

석진: 아, 집에 가지 말라고.

Seokjin: Ah, telling you not to go home.

경은: 네. 집에 가지 말라고 까지는 아닌데, 왜 회식 자리에서 전화를 하고 있냐. 잠깐 나가서 화장실에 가서 전화를 하는 것도 싫어하더라고요. 근데 그 과장님은 조금 특이하셨어요.

Kyeong-eun: Yeah. It didn't even go as far as telling you not to go home, but just, “Why are you making phone calls at work?” I recall they even hated when we stepped out for a moment to the bathroom and made a call. But that department supervisor was a bit different.

석진: 저는 얘기만 들어도 되게 싫어요. 지금. (그쵸?) 기분이 벌써 싫어지고 있어요.

Seokjin: I think it's awful just hearing about it. Now. (Right?) I'm already feeling bad.

경은: 석진 씨는 그런 회식 안 해 봤어요?

Kyeong-eun: You haven't been on that kind of company dinner?

석진: 저는 지금 Talk To Me In Korean 오기 전에 학교에서 일했었어요. 학교에 이런 교수님들과 학생들이 같이 회식 자리를 가지곤 했었거든요. 그런데 그 교수님이 되게 권위적이세요. 아주유명한 연주자였어요. 학생들도 되게 우러러 보고. 선생님을. (존경하고.) 네. 존경하고. 막 그런 면이 많았었거든요? 그래서 교수님도 이제 학생들한테 이것저것 많이 시켰어요. 제가 국악 대학에 있었거든요? 그래서 국악을 꼭 해야 했었고.

Seokjin: In my case, before coming to Talk To Me In Korean now, I'd worked at school. At school, we frequently had company dinners with these professors and students, you see. But that professor is really powerful. He was a rather famous performer. And the students really looked up to him, too. The teacher. (And respected him.) Yeah. And respected him. There were just a lot of these kinds of aspects to it, you see? So the professor, too, now got the students to do this and that thing a lot. I was at a Korean classical music university, you see? So I absolutely had to do Korean classical music, too.

경은: 아, 그래도 그런 거는 좀 괜찮을 것 같아요.

Kyeong-eun: Ah, still, I think that kind of thing would be okay.

석진: 네. 저는 괜찮았어요.

Seokjin: Yeah. It was okay.

경은: 네. 어차피 뭐 노래하고 춤추는 걸 좋아하는 분들이 모인 거잖아요. 그래서 그런 건 재밌을 것같은데.

Kyeong-eun: Yeah. Anyway, like, it's something where people who like singing and dancing meet, isn't it? So it seems like that'd be fun.

석진: 단 한 가지 안 좋은 점이 (네.) 그 교수님이 되게 늦게까지 술을 마시고, 노래방에 가고, 그렇게 이제 재밌게 노셨는데

Seokjin: One other thing that wasn't a good point, (Yeah.) that professor drank alcohol until really late, and went to karaoke rooms, we had a good time now like that, but

경은: 집에 갈 수가 없군요.

Kyeong-eun: Ah, you couldn't go home.

석진: 네. 집에 갈 수가 없었어요. 저는 술이 취했고, 배도 부르고, 빨리 집에 가고 싶은데 갈 수가없는 분위기예요.

Seokjin: Yeah. There was no way to go home. I was drunk, and full, and wanted to get home soon, but the vibe was that I couldn't.

경은: 눈치 보이고 또.

Kyeong-eun: And people give you dirty looks, even.

석진: 맞아요. 맞아요.

Seokjin: Right. That's right.

경은: 가면은 다음 날 욕먹잖아요.

Kyeong-eun: If you go, you have to take a lot of abuse the next day.

석진: 그럼요.

Seokjin: Sure.

경은: 그리고 저 회사 다닐 때 회식을 하면 술을 엄청 많이 먹인다고 했잖아요. 근데 그 다음 날 지각을 하면 정말 많이 혼나요. (와!) 회식을 할 때 보통 금요일 날 하지는 않아요. 금요일 날은 약속이 있고 그러니까 회사에서 조금 배려를 해 주거든요. 그러면 화요일이나 수요일, 목요일 이렇게 평일에 하면 다음 날 회사를 가야 되잖아요. (네.) 그러면 꼭 높은 사람들, 과장님 부장님들이 굉장히 일찍 나와요. 그리고 지각하는 사람 있으면 혼내요.

Kyeong-eun: And I said that when I worked at those companies, we were fed ridiculous amount of alcohol when we went on company dinners, didn't I? But if we were late the next day, we really got yelled at. (Wow!) When we go on company dinners, we usually don't go on Fridays, either. On Fridays, people have appointments, so they try to be a little considerate at work, you see. So on Tuesday, or Wednesday, or Thursday, when it's the workweek like this you have to go to work the next day, don't you? (Yeah.) So the higher-ups, the department heads and the general managers, always come to work extremely early. And if someone's late, they yell at them.

석진: 아, 못됐다.

Seokjin: Ah, that's bad.

경은: 진짜 못됐죠. 이해할 수가 없어요. 저는.

Kyeong-eun: It's really bad, sure. I don't understand it.

석진: 회식의 취지는 참 좋은데. (맞아요.) 다른 회사에서는 아마 경은 누나가 겪었던 그런 회식 분위기가 많을 거예요.

Seokjin: The purpose of company dinners is really good, (That's right.) but there are probably a lot of other companies that have the atmosphere at their dinners that you experienced.

경은: 네. 그리고 폭탄주도 많이 먹는다고 하더라고요.

Kyeong-eun: Yeah. And I've heard that they drink a lot of bomb cocktails.

석진: 네. 술을 좋아하시거나 높은 분들한테 아부하기 좋아하시는 분들은 아마 회식 자리 좋아할 수 있을 것 같아요.

Seokjin: Yeah. I think people who like alcohol or kissing up to the big shots could probably like company dinners.

경은: 근데 요즘에는 회사 문화가 조금씩 조금씩 바뀌어 간다고 하더라고요. 그래서 뭐 영화를 본다든가 아니면 술자리가 아닌 다른 모임을 하려고 노력을 한다고는 하는데 그런 게 뉴스에만 나오는 걸 보면 거의 대부분의 회사는 안 그러는 것 같아요. 제 친구들의 회사들은 다 안그래요. 술만 많이 마셔요.

Kyeong-eun: But these days I hear that little by little the company culture is changing. So they say, like, they try to watch movies or else have other meetings that don't have drinking, but if I see that kind of thing just on the news, I think most companies aren't like that. None of my friends' companies are like that. They just drink a lot.

석진: 그렇지만 우리 Talk To Me In Korean 회식은 어떻죠?

Seokjin: But how are our Talk To Me In Korean dinners, of course?

경은: 저희 회식은 술을 전혀 안 마시죠. 그리고 좋아요? 석진 씨?

Kyeong-eun: We never drink at our company dinners, of course. And is that good, Seokjin?

석진: 네. 맛있는 거 많이 먹어서 너무 좋아요.

Seokjin: Yeah. It's great, because we eat a lot of good food.

경은: 네. 다행이네요. 그러면 여러분 한국의 회식에 대해서 이야기를 했는데요. 물론 회사마다 정말 다르고요, 회식을 좋아하는 친구들도 있긴 있어요.

Kyeong-eun: Yeah. Fortunately. So everyone—we've talked about Korean company dinners. Of course each company is really different, and there are certainly people, too, who like company dinners.

석진: 저 같은 사람들은 아마 좋아할 거예요. (맞아요.) 맛있는 거 좋아하는 사람들.

Seokjin: People like me will probably like it. (That's right.) People who like excellent food.

경은: 맞아요. 석진 씨는 회식 좋아하니까요. 네. 그러면 여러분의 나라에서도 이런 회식 문화가 있는 지 저희한테 이야기 해 주세요.

Kyeong-eun: That's right. Since you like company dinners. Yeah. So please tell whether in your country, too, there's this kind of company-dinner culture.

석진: 누나, 우리 언제 회식해요?

Seokjin: Kyeong-eun—when are we going to have a company dinner?

경은: 추석 끝나고 할까요?

Kyeong-eun: How about after Chuseok?

석진: 아, 네. 알겠습니다. 그럼 여러분 들어 주셔서 감사합니다.

Seokjin: Ah, yeah. Okay. So thank you for listening, everyone.

경은: 네. 안녕히 계세요.

Kyeong-eun: Yeah. Have a nice day.

석진: 안녕히 계세요.

Seokjin: Have a nice day.