
From Korean Wiki Project
Revision as of 01:59, 16 July 2009 by DigitalSoju (Talk | contribs)

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Basic Information
Gender {{{gender}}}
Age {{{age}}}
Blood type {{{bloodtype}}}
Hometown {{{hometown}}}
Currently location {{{location}}}
Native languages {{{languages}}}
Occupation {{{job}}}
University {{{university}}}
Major {{{major}}}
Korean Language School {{{korlangschool}}}
Studying Korean since {{{studysince}}}
Music {{{favmusic}}}
Movies/drama {{{favmovies}}}
Food {{{favfood}}}
Hobbies {{{hobbies}}}

Copy this onto the user's page after they register:

<!--Any fields you don't want to fill out, just leave it blank and it won't appear-->
|name    =       <!--Real name or user name-->
|avatar  =       <!--Optional picture, name the picture your username-->
|gender  =       <!--male or female-->
|age     =       <!--(western) age--> 
|bloodtype  =    <!--Blood type if you know it-->
|hometown   =    <!--The place you consider your hometown-->
|location   =    <!--Where you are currently-->
|languages  =    <!--Languages you are fluent in-->
|job     =       <!--Current job-->
|university =    <!--University you attended or are attending-->
|major =         <!--Your major-->
|korlangschool=  <!--Attended a Korean language school? SNU, Yonsei, Sogang? Which levels?-->
|studysince =    <!--When did you begin studying Korean?-->
|favmusic =      <!--Fav music, especially Korean music-->
|favmovies =     <!--Fav movies or drama, especially Korean ones-->
|favfood =       <!--Fav foods, especially Korean food-->
|hobbies =       <!--Hobbies-->
|below =         <!--Optional message at the bottom-->


  • Translate it into Korean for Korean users
  • Possibly change the table colors