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Line 82: Line 82:
|Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (과소평가하다)
|Something that is useless, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_elephant white elephant]
|Attaches with -이다
|Well-rounded, versatile, all-around (good)
|Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (다재다능하다)
|Frequent occurrence
|Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (비일비재하다)
|Kill two birds with one stone
|Attaches with -이다
|Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (자화자찬하다)
|Prevention is better than cure, better safe than sorry
|Attaches with -이다
|A stopover, a layover
|Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (도중하차하다)
|To make a long story short
|Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (거두절미하다)

Revision as of 05:06, 11 June 2021


사자성어 are four-character idioms from Chinese. This is called chengyu in Chinese.

4 character idiom Chinese Characters Literal meaning Translation Note
유유상종 類類相從 Birds of a feather flock together
일석이조 一石二鳥 Kill two birds with one stone
새옹지마 塞翁之馬 A blessing in disguise
고진감래 苦盡甘來 No pain, no gain
견물생심 見物生心 Seeing is wanting
기진맥진 氣盡脈盡 Complete exhaustion
죽마고우 竹馬故友 A childhood friend
자신만만 自信滿滿 Full of confidence Full of confidence
다다익선 多多益善 The more the merrier
부지기수 不知其數 Countless, boundless
학수고대 鶴首苦待 Look forward to
막상막하 莫上莫下 Equally matched, neck-and-neck, on par, be 50-50
과소평가 過小評價 Underestimate Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (과소평가하다)
무용지물 無用之物 Something that is useless, white elephant Attaches with -이다
다재다능 多才多能 Well-rounded, versatile, all-around (good) Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (다재다능하다)
비일비재 非一非再 Frequent occurrence Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (비일비재하다)
일거양득 一擧兩得 Kill two birds with one stone Attaches with -이다
자화자찬 自畫自讚 Self-praise Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (자화자찬하다)
유비무환 有備無患 Prevention is better than cure, better safe than sorry Attaches with -이다
도중하차 途中下車 A stopover, a layover Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (도중하차하다)
거두절미 去頭截尾 To make a long story short Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (거두절미하다)