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Want to know more about 한자?  Head over to the [[important 한자]] page.
Total Characters: 26
==子(Son and Daughter)==
{{Hanjabox2|char = 子<!-- The hanja character -->
*[[]] < 子息 > - One´s children  
|def = Son and daughter <!-- Definition -->
*[[]]자 < 女子 > - Woman
|kor name =     <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
*[[]]자 < 男子 > - Man
|info =       <!--Additional info-->
*난자 < 卵子 > - An egg cell  
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
*정자 < 精子 > - A sperm  
*자식 <[[子]][[息]]> - one´s children  
*[[]]자 < 孫子 > - A grandson (손녀= A granddaughter)  
*여자 <[[女]][[子]]> - woman
*[[]]자 < 父子 > - Father and son  
*남자 <[[男]][[子]]> - man
*[[]]자 < 母子 > - Mother and son  
*난자 <[[卵]][[子]]> - an egg cell  
*[[]]자 < 孝子 > - A dutiful son (효녀 = A dutiful daughter)  
*정자 <[[精]][[子]]> - a sperm  
*자음 < 子音 > - A consonant  
*손자 <[[孫]][[子]]> - a grandson (손녀= a granddaughter)  
*부자 <[[父]][[子]]> - father and son  
*모자 <[[母]][[子]]> - mother and son  
*효자 <[[孝]][[子]]> - a dutiful son (효녀 = a dutiful daughter)  
*자음 <[[子]][[音]]> - a consonant  
*유전자 <[[遺]][[傳]][[子]]> - gene
*사상자 <[[死]][[傷]][[者]]> - casualties
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
==字(Character, Letters)==
*[[한]]자 < 漢字 > - Chinese character
*숫자 < 數字 > - A figure, A numeral
*[[문]]자 < 文字 > - A letter, A character
*글자 - A letter, A character
*자막 < 字幕 > - A caption, A subtitle
*점자 < 點字 > - Braille
*[[정]]자 < 正字 > - A correct letter
*[[대]][[문]]자 < 大文字 > - A capital letter
*[[영]]자 < 英字> - An English letter
*[[영]]자[[신]][[문]] < 英字新聞 > - A newspaper in English 
*배우자 < 配偶者 > - A match, A life partner
*살[[인]]자 < 殺人者 > - A murderer
*[[승]]자 < 勝者 > - A winner
*[[패]]자 < 敗者 > - A loser 
*피의자 < 被疑者 > - A suspect, A suspected person
*피해자 < 被害者 > - A victim
*[[소]][[비]]자 < 消費者 > - A consumer
*환자 < 患者 > - A patient
*책임자 < 責任者 > - A person in charge of a thing
*담당자 < 擔當者 > - A person in charge of a thing 
{{Hanjabox2|char = 字<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = Character, letters <!-- Definition -->
*자신감 < 自信感 > - Self_confidence
|kor name =     <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
*자존심 < 自尊心 > - Self_respect, Pride
|info =       <!--Additional info-->
*자연 < 自然 > - Nature
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
*자유 < 自由 > - Freedom
*한자 <[[漢]][[字]]> - chinese character
*자동 < 自動 > - Automatic action
*숫자 <[[數]][[字]]> - a figure, a numeral
*자살 < 自殺 > - Suicide
*문자 <[[文]][[字]]> - a letter, a character
*자취 < 自炊 > - Board oneself
*글자 - a letter, a character
*자필 < 自筆 > - One´s own handwriting
*자막 <[[字]][[幕]]> - a caption, a subtitle
*자습 < 自習 > - Self-study
*점자 <[[點]][[字]]> - braille
*자기소개 < 自己紹介 > - Self-introduction
*정자 <[[正]][[字]]> - a correct letter
*대문자 <[[大]][[文]][[字]]> - a capital letter
*영자 <[[英]][[字]]> - an english letter
*영자신문 <[[英]][[字]][[新]][[聞]]> - a newspaper in english
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 者<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = Person <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
*배우자 <[[配]][[偶]][[者]]> - a match, a life partner
*살인자 <[[殺]][[人]][[者]]> - a murderer
*승자 <[[勝]][[者]]> - a winner
*패자 <[[敗]][[者]]> - a loser
*피의자 <[[被]][[疑]][[者]]> - a suspect, a suspected person
*피해자 <[[被]][[害]][[者]]> - a victim
*소비자 <[[消]][[費]][[者]]> - a consumer
*환자 <[[患]][[者]]> - a patient
*책임자 <[[責]][[任]][[者]]> - a person in charge of a thing
*담당자 <[[擔]][[當]][[者]]> - a person in charge of a thing
*노약자 <[[老]][[弱]][[者]]> - old and weak person
*과학자 <[[科]][[學]]> - scientist
*고고학자 <[[考]][[古]][[學]][[者]]> - archaeologist
*동물학자 <[[動]][[物]][[學]][[者]]> - zoologist
*물리학자 <[[物]][[理]][[學]][[者]]> - physicist
*미생물학 <[[微]][[生]][[物]][[學]]> - microbiologist
*바다생물학자 <-[[生]][[物]][[學]][[者]]> - marine biologist
*생물학자 <[[生]][[物]][[學]][[者]]> - biologist
*생태학자 <[[生]][[態]][[學]][[者]]> - ecologist
*생화학자 <[[生]][[化]][[學]][[者]]> - biochemist
*세균학자 <[[細]][[菌]][[學]][[者]]> - microbiologist
*세포학자 <[[細]][[胞]][[學]][[者]]> - cell biologist
*수학자 <[[數]][[學]][[者]]> - mathematician
*식물학자 <[[植]][[物]][[學]][[者]]> - botanist
*심리학자 <[[心]][[理]][[學]][[者]]> - psychologist
*유전공학자 <[[遺]][[傳]][[工]][[學]][[者]]> - genetic engineer
*인류학자 <[[人]][[類]][[學]][[者]]> - anthropologist
*조류학자 <[[鳥]][[類]][[學]][[者]]> - ornithologist (study of birds)
*지리학자 <[[地]][[理]][[學]][[者]]> - geographer
*지질학자 <[[地]][[質]][[學]][[者]]> - geologist
*천문학자 <[[天]][[文]][[學]][[者]]> - astronomer
*해양학자 <[[海]][[洋]][[學]][[者]]> - oceanographer
*화학자 <[[化]][[學]][[者]]> - chemist
*기증자 <[[寄]][[贈]][[者]]> - a donor
*뇌사자 <[[腦]][[死]][[者]]> - a brain dead person
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 自<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = Oneself <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
*자신감 <[[自]][[信]][[感]]> - self confidence
*자존심 <[[自]][[尊]][[心]]> - self respect, pride
*자연 <[[自]][[然]]> - nature
*자유 <[[自]][[由]]> - freedom
*자동 <[[自]][[動]]> - automatic action
*자살 <[[自]][[殺]]> - suicide
*자취 <[[自]][[炊]]> - board oneself
*자필 <[[自]][[筆]]> - one´s own handwriting
*자습 <[[自]][[習]]> - self-study
*자기소개 <[[自]][[己]][[紹]][[介]]> - self-introduction
*자위 <[[自]][[慰]]> - self consoling
*자위 <[[自]][[慰]]> - masturbation
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 仔<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 刺<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 咨<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 姉<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 姿<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 孜<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 恣<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 慈<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 滋<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 炙<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 煮<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 玆<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 瓷<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 疵<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 磁<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 紫<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 茨<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 蔗<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 藉<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 諮<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 資<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
<!-- note: auto-inserted -->
{{Hanjabox2|char = 雌<!-- The hanja character -->
|def = <!-- Definition -->
|kor name =    <!--Name of the character in Korean-->
|info =      <!--Additional info-->
|examples =    <!--Examples, put on the next line after *-->
|real pics = <!--make the image size 200px please-->
[[Category:Chinese Roots]]
[[Category:Chinese Roots]]

Revision as of 02:09, 4 May 2010


Total Characters: 26

Meaning: Son and daughter Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 子 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
  • 자식 <> - one´s children
  • 여자 <> - woman
  • 남자 <> - man
  • 난자 <> - an egg cell
  • 정자 <> - a sperm
  • 손자 <> - a grandson (손녀= a granddaughter)
  • 부자 <> - father and son
  • 모자 <> - mother and son
  • 효자 <> - a dutiful son (효녀 = a dutiful daughter)
  • 자음 <> - a consonant
  • 유전자 <> - gene
  • 사상자 <> - casualties
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Character, letters Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 字 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
  • 한자 <> - chinese character
  • 숫자 <> - a figure, a numeral
  • 문자 <> - a letter, a character
  • 글자 - a letter, a character
  • 자막 <> - a caption, a subtitle
  • 점자 <> - braille
  • 정자 <> - a correct letter
  • 대문자 <> - a capital letter
  • 영자 <> - an english letter
  • 영자신문 <> - a newspaper in english
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Person Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 者 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Oneself Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 自 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 仔 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 刺 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 咨 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 姉 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:


Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 姿 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 孜 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 恣 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 慈 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 滋 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 炙 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 煮 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 玆 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 瓷 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 疵 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 磁 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 紫 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 茨 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 蔗 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 藉 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 諮 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 資 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 雌 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
Click on the pictures to enlarge: