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Line 108: Line 108:
|ex3 = 전세 < 傳貰 > - The lease of a house on a deposit money basis
|ex3 = 전세 < 傳貰 > - The lease of a house on a deposit money basis
|ex4 = 세입자 < 貰入者 > - A tenant
|ex4 = 세입자 < 貰入者 > - A tenant
|char = 수 < 手 > - Hand
|char = 수 < 手 > - Hand
|ex1 = 수공예 < 手工藝 > - Handicraft, Manual arts and crafts
|ex1 = 수족 < 手足 > - Hands and feet
|ex2 = 수갑 < 手匣 > - Handcuffs
|ex2 = 수갑 < 手匣 > - Handcuffs
|ex3 = 악수 < 握手 > - Handshake
|ex3 = 악수 < 握手 > - Handshake
Line 119: Line 118:
|ex5 = 수건 < 手巾 > - A towel
|ex5 = 수건 < 手巾 > - A towel
|ex6 = 수술 < 手術 > - A surgery
|ex6 = 수술 < 手術 > - A surgery
|ex7 =  
|ex7 = 수당 < 手當 > - An allowance
|ex8 =  
|ex8 = 수공예 < 手工藝 > - Handicraft, Manual arts and crafts
|ex9 =  
|ex9 = 수화 < 手話 > - Talking with the hands
|ex10 =  
|ex10 = 수동 < 手動 > - Hand-operated
Line 133: Line 132:
|ex5 = 시동생 < 媤同生 > - one´s husband´s younger brother
|ex5 = 시동생 < 媤同生 > - one´s husband´s younger brother
|ex6 = 시아주버니 - one´s husband´s elder brother
|ex6 = 시아주버니 - one´s husband´s elder brother
|ex7 =
|ex8 =
|ex9 =
|ex10 =
Line 145: Line 140:
|ex3 = 신식 < 新式 > - Modern, a new style, a new method
|ex3 = 신식 < 新式 > - Modern, a new style, a new method
|ex4 = 신분당선 < 新盆唐線 > - New Bundang (subway) line
|ex4 = 신분당선 < 新盆唐線 > - New Bundang (subway) line
|ex5 = 신년 < 新年 > - New year
|ex6 = 신문 < 新聞 > - A newspaper
|ex7 = 신규고객 < 新規顧客 > - A new customer
|ex8 = 신설 < 新設 > - New establishment
|ex9 = 신입생 < 新入生 > - A new student, A freshman
|ex10 = 신기록 < 新記錄 > - A new record
Line 158: Line 159:
|ex7 = 확신 < 確信 > - Conviction, A firm belief
|ex7 = 확신 < 確信 > - Conviction, A firm belief
|ex8 = 자신감 < 自信感 > - Self - confidence
|ex8 = 자신감 < 自信感 > - Self - confidence
|ex9 =  
|ex9 = 불신 < 不信 > - Distrust, Disbelief
|ex10 =  
|ex10 = 소신 < 所信 > - One´s belief , One´s opinion
Line 174: Line 175:
|ex8 = 전신 < 全身 > - The whole body  
|ex8 = 전신 < 全身 > - The whole body  
|ex9 = 병신 < 病身 > - A deformed person
|ex9 = 병신 < 病身 > - A deformed person
|ex10 =  
|ex10 = 신체검사 < 身體檢査 > - A physical examination
Line 203: Line 204:
|ex8 = 심리 < 心理 > - Psychology
|ex8 = 심리 < 心理 > - Psychology
|ex9 = 작심삼일 < 作心三日 > -  A short-lived resolve, An unsteady plan
|ex9 = 작심삼일 < 作心三日 > -  A short-lived resolve, An unsteady plan
|ex10 =  
|ex10 = 심장 < 心臟 > - The heart
Line 215: Line 216:
|ex6 = 언어 < 言語 > - Language
|ex6 = 언어 < 言語 > - Language
|ex7 = 속어 < 俗語 > - A slang  
|ex7 = 속어 < 俗語 > - A slang  
|ex8 =  
|ex8 = 표준어 < 標準語 > - The standard language
|ex9 =  
|ex9 = 외래어 < 外來語 > - A word of foreign origin
|ex10 =  
|ex10 = 어록 < 語錄 > - Analects
|char = 녀/여 < 女 > - Female
|char = 여/녀 < 女 > - Female
|ex1 = 여자 < 女子 > - Woman, Female
|ex1 = [[Important 한자|'''Important 한자 1''']]
|ex2 = 장녀 < 長女 > - The oldest daughter
|ex3 = 여학생 < 女學生 > - A girl student
|ex4 = 여군 < 女軍 > - A woman soldier
|ex5 = 남녀평등 < 男女平等 > - The equality of the sexes
|ex6 =
|ex7 =
|ex8 =
|ex9 =
|ex10 =
Line 240: Line 232:
|ex3 = 지하철역 - Subway station
|ex3 = 지하철역 - Subway station
|ex4 = 종착역 < 終着驛 > - A terminal station
|ex4 = 종착역 < 終着驛 > - A terminal station
|ex5 =  
|ex5 = 출발역 < 出發驛 > - A starting station
|ex6 =  
|ex6 = 도착역 < 到着驛 > - An arrival station
|ex7 =  
|ex7 = 역전 < 驛前 > - The front of the station 
|ex8 =  
|ex8 = 역장 < 驛長 > - A stationmaster
|ex9 =  
|ex9 = 역사 < 驛舍 > - A station building
|ex10 =  
|ex10 = 환승역 < 換乘驛 > - A transfer station
Line 251: Line 243:
|char = 왕 < 王 > - King
|char = 왕 < 王 > - King
|ex1 = 세종대왕 - The Great King Sejong
|ex1 = 세종대왕 - The Great King Sejong
|ex2 = 왕자 < 王子 > - Prince
|ex2 = 왕자 < 王子 > - A prince
|ex3 = 왕관 < 王冠 > - Crown
|ex3 = 왕관 < 王冠 > - A crown
|ex4 =  
|ex4 = 여왕 < 女王 > - A queen
|ex5 =  
|ex5 = 왕비 < 王妃 > - A queen, An empress
|ex6 =  
|ex6 = 왕릉 < 王陵 > - A royal mausoleum
|ex7 =  
|ex7 = 왕권 < 王權 > - Royal authority
|ex8 =
|ex9 =
|ex10 =
Line 267: Line 256:
|ex2 = 실외 < 室外 > - Outdoors
|ex2 = 실외 < 室外 > - Outdoors
|ex3 = 외출 < 外出 > - Going out
|ex3 = 외출 < 外出 > - Going out
|ex4 = 해외 < 海外 > - Foreign countries, Overseas
|ex5 = 제외 < 除外 > - Exclusion, Exception
|ex6 = 외교 < 外交 > - Diplomacy
|ex7 = 외면(하다) < 外面 > - Neglect, To turn away
|ex8 = 예외 < 例外 > - An exception
|ex9 = 내외 < 內外 > - Husband and wife/ The inside and outside
|ex10 = 외가 < 外家 > - One´s mother´s maiden home
Line 276: Line 272:
|ex3 = 우박 < 雨雹 > - Hail
|ex3 = 우박 < 雨雹 > - Hail
|ex4 = 호우주의보 < 豪雨注意報> - Torrential(heavy) rain warning
|ex4 = 호우주의보 < 豪雨注意報> - Torrential(heavy) rain warning
|ex5 =  
|ex5 = 집중호우 < 集中豪雨 > - A localized torrential downpour
|ex6 =  
|ex6 = 강우량 < 降雨量 > - Rainfall
|ex7 =  
|ex7 = 유성우 < 流星雨 > - A meteoric shower
|ex8 =  
|ex8 = 열대우림 < 熱帶雨林 > - A tropical rain forest
|ex9 =  
|ex9 = 우비 < 雨備 > - A rain outfit
|ex10 =  
|ex10 = 기우제 < 祈雨祭 > - A shamanist service to pray for rain
Line 288: Line 284:
|ex1 = 유치원 < 幼稚園 > - A kindergarten
|ex1 = 유치원 < 幼稚園 > - A kindergarten
|ex2 = 동물원 < 動物園 > - A zoo
|ex2 = 동물원 < 動物園 > - A zoo
|ex3 = 공원 < 公園 > - A park
|ex3 = 수목원 < 樹木園 > - An arboretum
|ex4 = 정원 < 庭園 > - A garden
|ex4 = 공원 < 公園 > - A park
|ex5 = 과수원 < 果樹園 > - A fruit garden
|ex5 = 정원 < 庭園 > - A garden
|ex6 =
|ex6 = 정원사 < 庭園師 > - A gardener
|ex7 =
|ex7 = 과수원 < 果樹園 > - A fruit garden
|ex8 =  
|ex8 = 낙원 < 樂園 > - A paradise
|ex9 =  
|ex9 = 전원 < 田園 > - The country, Farms
|ex10 =  
|ex10 = 유원지 < 遊園地 > - An amusement park

Revision as of 21:47, 12 June 2009

  • Part 2: ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ


{{{kor}}} <본 < 本 > - The origin, The main> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:본 < 本 > - The origin, The main.png|right|200px|link=본 < 本 > - The origin, The main]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[본 < 本 > - The origin, The main]]

{{{kor}}} <부 < 副 > - sub-, vice-, under-> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:부 < 副 > - sub-, vice-, under-.png|right|200px|link=부 < 副 > - sub-, vice-, under-]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[부 < 副 > - sub-, vice-, under-]]

{{{kor}}} <부 < 富 > - Wealth, Riches> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:부 < 富 > - Wealth, Riches.png|right|200px|link=부 < 富 > - Wealth, Riches]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[부 < 富 > - Wealth, Riches]]

{{{kor}}} <불/부 < 不 > - non-, in-, un-> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:불/부 < 不 > - non-, in-, un-.png|right|200px|link=불/부 < 不 > - non-, in-, un-]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[불/부 < 不 > - non-, in-, un-]]

{{{kor}}} <상 < 上 > - The upper part> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:상 < 上 > - The upper part.png|right|200px|link=상 < 上 > - The upper part]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[상 < 上 > - The upper part]]

{{{kor}}} <생 < 生 > - Living, life, living, lifetime to be born.> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:생 < 生 > - Living, life, living, lifetime to be born..png|right|200px|link=생 < 生 > - Living, life, living, lifetime to be born.]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[생 < 生 > - Living, life, living, lifetime to be born.]]

{{{kor}}} <세 < 洗 > - Washing, Cleansing> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:세 < 洗 > - Washing, Cleansing.png|right|200px|link=세 < 洗 > - Washing, Cleansing]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[세 < 洗 > - Washing, Cleansing]]

{{{kor}}} <세 < 貰 > - Rent, Hire> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:세 < 貰 > - Rent, Hire.png|right|200px|link=세 < 貰 > - Rent, Hire]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[세 < 貰 > - Rent, Hire]]

{{{kor}}} <수 < 手 > - Hand> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:수 < 手 > - Hand.png|right|200px|link=수 < 手 > - Hand]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[수 < 手 > - Hand]]

{{{kor}}} <시 < 媤 > - Of the husband, On the husband's side> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:시 < 媤 > - Of the husband, On the husband's side.png|right|200px|link=시 < 媤 > - Of the husband, On the husband's side]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[시 < 媤 > - Of the husband, On the husband's side]]

{{{kor}}} <신 < 新 > - New> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:신 < 新 > - New.png|right|200px|link=신 < 新 > - New]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[신 < 新 > - New]]

{{{kor}}} <신 < 信 > - Trust, Believe> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:신 < 信 > - Trust, Believe.png|right|200px|link=신 < 信 > - Trust, Believe]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[신 < 信 > - Trust, Believe]]

{{{kor}}} <신 < 身 > - Body> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:신 < 身 > - Body.png|right|200px|link=신 < 身 > - Body]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[신 < 身 > - Body]]

{{{kor}}} <실 < 室 > - Room, home, house> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:실 < 室 > - Room, home, house.png|right|200px|link=실 < 室 > - Room, home, house]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[실 < 室 > - Room, home, house]]

{{{kor}}} <심 < 心 > - Mind> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:심 < 心 > - Mind.png|right|200px|link=심 < 心 > - Mind]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[심 < 心 > - Mind]]

{{{kor}}} <어 < 語 > - Language, Word> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:어 < 語 > - Language, Word.png|right|200px|link=어 < 語 > - Language, Word]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[어 < 語 > - Language, Word]]

{{{kor}}} <여/녀 < 女 > - Female> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:여/녀 < 女 > - Female.png|right|200px|link=여/녀 < 女 > - Female]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[여/녀 < 女 > - Female]]

{{{kor}}} <역 < 驛 > - Station> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:역 < 驛 > - Station.png|right|200px|link=역 < 驛 > - Station]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[역 < 驛 > - Station]]

{{{kor}}} <왕 < 王 > - King> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:왕 < 王 > - King.png|right|200px|link=왕 < 王 > - King]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[왕 < 王 > - King]]

{{{kor}}} <외 < 外 > - Outside> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:외 < 外 > - Outside.png|right|200px|link=외 < 外 > - Outside]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[외 < 外 > - Outside]]

{{{kor}}} <우 < 雨 > - Rain> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:우 < 雨 > - Rain.png|right|200px|link=우 < 雨 > - Rain]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[우 < 雨 > - Rain]]

{{{kor}}} <원 < 園 >> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:원 < 園 >.png|right|200px|link=원 < 園 >]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[원 < 園 >]]

{{{kor}}} <인 < 人 > - Person> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:인 < 人 > - Person.png|right|200px|link=인 < 人 > - Person]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[인 < 人 > - Person]]

{{{kor}}} <일 < 日 > - Day, Japan> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:일 < 日 > - Day, Japan.png|right|200px|link=일 < 日 > - Day, Japan]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[일 < 日 > - Day, Japan]]

{{{kor}}} <입 < 入 > - Enter> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:입 < 入 > - Enter.png|right|200px|link=입 < 入 > - Enter]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[입 < 入 > - Enter]]

{{{kor}}} <자 < 子 > - Son (and Daughter)> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:자 < 子 > - Son (and Daughter).png|right|200px|link=자 < 子 > - Son (and Daughter)]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[자 < 子 > - Son (and Daughter)]]

{{{kor}}} <자 < 字 > - Character, Letters> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:자 < 字 > - Character, Letters.png|right|200px|link=자 < 字 > - Character, Letters]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[자 < 字 > - Character, Letters]]

{{{kor}}} <자 < 者 > - Person> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:자 < 者 > - Person.png|right|200px|link=자 < 者 > - Person]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[자 < 者 > - Person]]

{{{kor}}} <자 < 自 > - Oneself> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:자 < 自 > - Oneself.png|right|200px|link=자 < 自 > - Oneself]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[자 < 自 > - Oneself]]

{{{kor}}} <중 < 中 > - The center, The middle,Medium, China> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:중 < 中 > - The center, The middle,Medium, China.png|right|200px|link=중 < 中 > - The center, The middle,Medium, China]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[중 < 中 > - The center, The middle,Medium, China]]

{{{kor}}} <지 < 紙 > - Paper> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:지 < 紙 > - Paper.png|right|200px|link=지 < 紙 > - Paper]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[지 < 紙 > - Paper]]

Important 한자 1
Important 한자 3