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Line 10: Line 10:
|ex4 = 기차 < 汽車 > - A train
|ex4 = 기차 < 汽車 > - A train
|ex5 = 중고차 < 中古車 > - Used car
|ex5 = 중고차 < 中古車 > - Used car
|ex6 = 신차 < 新車 > a new car  
|ex6 = 신차 < 新車 > - A new car  
|ex7 =  
|ex7 = 차도 < 車道 > - A roadway
|ex8 =
|ex8 = 주차장 < 駐車場 > - A parking lot
|ex9 =
|ex9 = 정차 < 停車 > - A stop, Stoppage
|ex10 =
|ex10 = 승차 < 乘車 > - Taking a train/car
|char = 천 < > - Stream
|ex1 = 청계천 < 淸溪川 > - Name of the stream that flows through downtown Seoul
|ex2 = 인천 < 仁川 > - Name of a city in Korea
|ex3 = 개천 < 開川 > - Streamlet
|ex4 =
|ex5 =
|ex6 =
|ex7 =
|ex8 =
|ex9 =
|ex10 =
Line 39: Line 25:
|ex5 = 개천절 < 開天節 > - The National Foundation Day of Korea  
|ex5 = 개천절 < 開天節 > - The National Foundation Day of Korea  
|ex6 = 천연기념물 < 天然記念物 > - A natural monument
|ex6 = 천연기념물 < 天然記念物 > - A natural monument
|ex7 =  
|ex7 = 선천성 < 先天性 > - Apriority
|ex8 =  
|ex8 = 후천성 < 後天性 > - Postnatal
|ex9 =  
|ex9 = 천체 < 天體 > - A heavenly body
|ex10 =  
|ex10 = 천적 < 天敵 > - A natural enemy
Line 56: Line 42:
|ex8 = 시력감퇴 < 視力減退 > - Failing of eyesight
|ex8 = 시력감퇴 < 視力減退 > - Failing of eyesight
|ex9 = 식욕감퇴 < 食慾減退 > - Loss of appetite
|ex9 = 식욕감퇴 < 食慾減退 > - Loss of appetite
|ex10 =  
|ex10 = 퇴치 < 退治 > - Conquest, Wiping out
Line 64: Line 50:
|ex1 = 출구 < 出口 > - Exit
|ex1 = 출구 < 出口 > - Exit
|ex2 = 줄근 < 出勤 > attendance
|ex2 = 줄근 < 出勤 > attendance
|ex2 = 출입 < 出入> - Coming and going
|ex3 = 출입 < 出入> - Coming and going
|ex2 = 출발 < 出發 > - Departure
|ex4 = 출발 < 出發 > - Departure
|ex3 = 외출 < 外出 > - Going out
|ex5 = 외출 < 外出 > - Going out
|ex4 = 출장 < 出張 > - Business trip
|ex6 = 출장 < 出張 > - Business trip
|ex7 = 출판사 < 出版社 > - A publishing company
|ex8 = 수출 < 輸出 > - Exportation
|ex9 = 일출 < 日出 > - A sunrise
|ex10 = 제출 < 提出 > - Submission
Line 95: Line 85:
|ex6 = 영하 < 零下 > - Below zero
|ex6 = 영하 < 零下 > - Below zero
|ex7 = 낙하산 < 落下傘 > - Parachute
|ex7 = 낙하산 < 落下傘 > - Parachute
|ex8 =  
|ex8 = 부하 < 部下 > - A subordinate, A follower
|ex9 =  
|ex9 = 하청 < 下請 > - A subcontract
|ex10 =  
|ex10 = 하차 < 下車 > - Getting off a train/bus
Line 109: Line 99:
|ex6 = 입학 < 入學 > - Admission to a school
|ex6 = 입학 < 入學 > - Admission to a school
|ex7 = 유학 < 留學 > - Studying abroad  
|ex7 = 유학 < 留學 > - Studying abroad  
|ex8 =  
|ex8 = 학자 < 學者 > - A scholar
|ex9 =  
|ex9 = 학력 < 學歷 > - An educational background
|ex10 =  
|ex10 = 학부모 < 學父母 > - Parents of students
|char = 휴 < 休 >
|char = 휴 < 休 > - To rest
|ex1 = 휴학 < 休學 > - Temporary absence from school
|ex1 = 휴학 < 休學 > - Temporary absence from school
|ex2 = 휴가 < 休暇 > - Holidays, Vacation (for worker)
|ex2 = 휴가 < 休暇 > - Holidays, Vacation (for worker)
|ex3 = 휴식 < 休息 > - Rest
|ex3 = 휴식 < 休息 > - Rest
|ex4 = 휴일 < 休日 > - An off day
|ex4 = 휴일 < 休日 > - An off day
|ex5 = 연휴 < 連休 > - Consecutive holidays <ex:추석연휴>
|ex5 = 연휴 < 連休 > - Consecutive holidays (추석연휴)
|ex6 = 휴게소 < 休憩所 > - A resting place, A (highway)rest stop
|ex6 = 휴게소 < 休憩所 > - A resting place, A (highway)rest stop
|ex7 =  
|ex7 = 휴전선 < 休戰線 > - A truce line
|ex8 =  
|ex8 = 휴화산 < 休火山 > - A dormant volcano
|ex9 =  
|ex9 = 공휴일 < 公休日 > - A legal[regular
|ex10 =  
|ex10 = 휴강 < 休講 > - (A professor´s) Skipping a lecture

Revision as of 22:29, 12 June 2009

  • Part 3: ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ

{{{kor}}} <차 < 車 > - Car, vehicle, cart> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:차 < 車 > - Car, vehicle, cart.png|right|200px|link=차 < 車 > - Car, vehicle, cart]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[차 < 車 > - Car, vehicle, cart]]

{{{kor}}} <천 < 天 > - Sky> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:천 < 天 > - Sky.png|right|200px|link=천 < 天 > - Sky]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[천 < 天 > - Sky]]

{{{kor}}} <퇴 < 退 >> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:퇴 < 退 >.png|right|200px|link=퇴 < 退 >]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[퇴 < 退 >]]

{{{kor}}} <출 < 出 > - To go out> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:출 < 出 > - To go out.png|right|200px|link=출 < 出 > - To go out]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[출 < 出 > - To go out]]

{{{kor}}} <품 < 品 > - Product, a good, an item> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:품 < 品 > - Product, a good, an item.png|right|200px|link=품 < 品 > - Product, a good, an item]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[품 < 品 > - Product, a good, an item]]

{{{kor}}} <하 < 下 > - Under> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:하 < 下 > - Under.png|right|200px|link=하 < 下 > - Under]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[하 < 下 > - Under]]

{{{kor}}} <학 < 學 > - To learn> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:학 < 學 > - To learn.png|right|200px|link=학 < 學 > - To learn]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[학 < 學 > - To learn]]

{{{kor}}} <휴 < 休 > - To rest> - {{{def}}}

[[Image:휴 < 休 > - To rest.png|right|200px|link=휴 < 休 > - To rest]] {{{examples}}}

For more examples see: [[휴 < 休 > - To rest]]

Important 한자 2