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*Part 2: ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ
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This section contains 한자 characters that start with the letters ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ.
|char = 본 < 本 > - The origin, The main
|kor = 본
|ex1 = 본인 < 本人 > - The person himself/herself  
|def = Origin, main
|ex2 = 본사 < 本社 > - The head office OR Our company
|char =
|ex3 = 기본 < 基本 > - A foundation, A basis
|examples=*본인 <[[本]][[人]]> - the person himself/herself  
|ex4 = 근본 < 根本 > - The root, The origin
*본사 <[[本]][[社]]> - the head office OR Our company
|ex5 = 본가 < 本家 > - The main family
*기본 <[[基]][[本]]> - a foundation, A basis
|ex6 = 본능 < 本能 > - Instinct
*근본 <[[根]][[本]]> - the root, The origin
|ex7 =
*본가 <[[本]][[家]]> - the main family
|ex8 =
*본능 <[[本]][[能]]> - instinct
|ex9 =
*자본 <[[資]][[本]]> - capital, A fund
|ex10 =
*견본 <[[見]][[本]]> - a sample, A sample copy
*본체 <[[本]][[體]]> - the body(core) of a machine
*원본 <[[原]][[本]]> - an original copy
|char = 부 < 副 > - sub-, vice-, under-
|kor = 부
|ex1 = 부전공 < 副專攻> - A minor
|def = sub-, vice-, under-
|ex2 = 부업 < 副業 > - A side job
|char =
|ex3 = 부통령 < 副統領 > - a vice-president
|examples=*부전공 <[[副]][[專]][[攻]]> - a minor
|ex4 = 부제 < 副題 > - A subtitle
*부업 <[[副]][[業]]> - A side job
|ex5 = 부반장 < 副班長 > - A vice president of a class
*부통령 <[[副]][[統]][[領]]> - a vice-president
|ex6 = 부지배인 < 副支配人 > - An assistant manager
*부제 <[[副]][[題]]> - A subtitle
|ex7 =
*부반장 <[[副]][[班]][[長]]> - A vice president of a class
|ex8 =
*부지배인 <[[副]][[支]][[配]][[人]]> - An assistant manager
|ex9 =
*부작용 <[[副]][[作]][[用]]> - A side effect
|ex10 =
*부회장 <[[副]][[會]][[長]]> - A vice-chairman
*부상 <[[副]][[賞]]> - An extra(a supplementary) prize
*부산물 <[[副]][[産]][[物]]> - A by-product
|char = 부 < 富 > - Wealth, Riches
|kor = 부
|ex1 = 갑부 < 甲富 > - A millionaire
|def = Wealth, riches
|ex2 = 부유(하다) < 富有 > - Wealthy
|char =
|ex3 = 부자 < 富者 > - A Rich person
|examples=*부 <[[富]]> - wealth, riches
|ex4 = 빈부격차 < 貧富隔差 > - A gap between rich and poor
*부유(하다) <[[富]][[有]]> - wealthy
|ex5 = 풍부(하다) < 豊富> - Abundant
*부유층 <[[富]][[裕]][[層]]> - the wealthy classes
|ex6 =
*부자 <[[富]][[者]]> - a Rich person
|ex7 =
*풍부(하다) <[[豊]][[富]]> - abundant
|ex8 =
*졸부 <[[猝]][[富]]> - an overnight millionaire
|ex9 =
*갑부 <[[甲]][[富]]> - a millionaire
|ex10 =
*빈부격차 <[[貧]][[富]][[隔]][[差]]> - a gap between rich and poor
*부익부 빈익빈 <[[富]][[益]][[富 貧]][[益]][[貧]]> - the rich-get-richer and the poor-get-poorer
*국부론 <[[國]][[富]][[論]]> - the Wealth of Nations By Adam Smith
|char = 불/부 < 不 > - non-, in-, un-  
|kor = 불/부
|ex1 = 불평등 < 不平等 > - Discrimination
|def = Non-, in-, un-, negation
|ex2 = 불편(하다) < 不便 > - Uncomfortable
|char =
|ex3 = 부족(하다) < 不足 > - Insufficient
|examples=*불평등 <[[不]][[平]][[等]]> - discrimination
|ex4 = 부정 < 不正 > - Unlawfulness, Dishonesty
*불편(하다) <[[不]][[便]]> - uncomfortable
|ex5 = 불만 < 不滿 > - Dissatisfaction
*부족(하다) <[[不]][[足]]> - insufficient
|ex6 = 부도덕(하다)< 不道德 > - Immoral
*부정 <[[不]][[正]]> - unlawfulness, dishonesty
|ex7 = 부재중 < 不在中 > - During one´s absence
*불만 <[[不]][[滿]]> - dissatisfaction
|ex8 = 부재중통화 <不在中通話> - Missed call
*부도덕(하다)<[[不]][[道]][[德]]> - immoral
|ex9 =
*부재중 <[[不]][[在]][[中]]> - during one´s absence
|ex10 =
*부재중통화 <[[不]][[在]][[中]][[通]][[話]]> - missed call
*불가능(하다) <[[不]][[可]][[能]]> - impossible
*부적절(하다) <[[不]][[適]][[切]]-> - to be inappropriate, unsuitable
*부득이 <[[不]][[得]][[已]]> - unavoidably, Inevitably
|char = 상 < 上 > - The upper part
|kor = 상
|ex1 = 상류층 < 上流層 > - The upper classes  
|def = Upper part
|ex2 = 최상 < 最上 > - The best, The highest
|char =上
|ex3 = 상사 < 上司 > - One´s superior
|examples=*상류층 <[[上]][[流]][[層]]> - the upper classes  
|ex4 = 상의 < 上衣 > - An upper garment (coat, jacket, shirt...)
*최상 <[[最]][[上]]> - the best, the highest
|ex5 = 옥상 < 屋上 > - The rooftop, The housetop
*상사 <[[上]][[司]]> - one´s superior
|ex6 = 인상 < 引上 > - Raising, Increase
*상의 <[[上]][[衣]]> - an upper garment (coat, jacket, shirt...)
|ex7 = 임금인상 <賃金引上> - A wage increase, A pay raise
*옥상 <[[屋]][[上]]> - the rooftop, the housetop
|ex8 =
*인상 <[[引]][[上]]> - Rraising, Increase
|ex9 =
*임금인상 <[[賃]][[金]][[引]][[上]]> - a wage increase, A pay raise
|ex10 =
*조상 <[[祖]][[上]]> - ancestor, forefather
*상반기 <[[上]][[半]][[期]]> - the first half of the year
*정상 <[[頂]][[上]]> - the top, the peak
|char = 생 < 生 > - Living, life, living, lifetime to be born.
|kor =생  
|ex1 = 생일 < 生日 > - Birthday
|def = Living, life, living, lifetime to be born.
|ex2 = 생 맥주 < 生麥酒 > - Draft beer
|char =
|ex3 = 생활 < 生活 > - Life, living
|examples=*생일 <[[生]][[日]]> - birthday
|ex4 = 학생 < 學生 > - Student
*생 맥주 <[[生]][[麥]][[酒]]> - draft beer
*생활 <[[生]][[活]]> - life, living
*학생 <[[學]][[生]]> - student
*생물 <[[生]][[物]]> - a living thing
*생명 <[[生]][[命]]> - life
*탄생 <[[誕]][[生]]> - birth
*생애 <[[生]][[涯]]> - a lifetime
*인생 <[[人]][[生]]> - human life
*전생 <[[前]][[生]]> - one´s former life
|char = 세 < 洗 > - Washing, Cleansing
|kor = 세
|ex1 = 세탁기 < 洗濯機 > - A washing machi
|def = Washing, cleansing
|ex2 = 세척(하다) < 洗滌 > - Washing, Cleansing
|char = 洗
|ex3 = 식기세척기 < 食器洗滌器 > - A dish washer
|examples=*세탁기 <[[洗]][[濯]][[機]]> - a washing machine
|ex4 = 위세척 < 胃洗滌 > -  Wash out the stomach
*세척(하다) <[[洗]][[滌]]> - washing, cleansing
|ex5 = 세례 < 洗禮 > - Baptism
*식기세척기 <[[食]][[器]][[洗]][[滌]][[器]]> - a dish washer
|ex6 = 세제 < 洗劑 > - Detergent, Cleaning material
*위세척 <[[胃]][[洗]][[滌]]> -  wash out the stomach
|ex7 = 세수(하다) < 洗手 > - Face washing
*세례 <[[洗]][[禮]]> - baptism
|ex8 =
*세제 <[[洗]][[劑]]> - detergent, Cleaning material
|ex9 =
*세수(하다) <[[洗]][[手]]> - face washing
|ex10 =
*세면대 <[[洗]][[面]][[臺]]> - a washing stand
*세면도구 <[[洗]][[面]][[道]][[具]]> - goods for washing (soap, toothbrush , towel...)
*세차 <[[洗]][[車]]> - car washing
|char = 세 < 貰 > - Rent, Hire
|kor = 세
|ex1 = 집세 - House(room) rent
|def = World, generation, era
|ex2 = 월세 < 月貰 > - Monthly rent
|char =
|ex3 = 전기세 < 電氣貰 > - Electric charges(rates)
|examples=*세상 <[[世]][[上]]> - the world
|ex4 = 전세 < 傳貰 > - The lease of a house on a deposit money basis
|ex5 =
|ex6 =
|ex7 =
|ex8 =
|ex9 =
|ex10 =
|char = 수 < 手 > - Hand
|kor = 수
|ex1 = 수공예 < 手工藝 > - Handicraft, Manual arts and crafts
|def = Water
|ex2 = 수갑 < 手匣 > - Handcuffs
|char =
|ex3 = 악수 < 握手 > - Handshake
|examples=*수요일 <[[水]][[曜]][[日]]> - Wednesday (literally 'water day')
|ex4 = 박수 < 拍手 > - Handclap
*수영(하다) <[[水泳]]> - swimmming (to swim)
|ex5 = 수건 < 手巾 > - A towel
|ex6 = 수술 < 手術 > - A surgery
|ex7 =
|ex8 =
|ex9 =
|ex10 =
|char = 시 < 媤 > - Of the husband, On the husband's side
|kor = 시
|ex1 = 시어머니 - A woman´s mother-in-law
|def = City
|ex2 = 시아버지 - A woman´s father-in-law
|char =
|ex3 = 시댁식구 < 媤宅食口 > - The family of one´s husband
|examples=*시청 <[[市]][[廳]]> - City hall
|ex4 = 시집/시댁 < 媤宅 > - The house of one´s husband
*시장 <[[市]][[場]]> - Market
|ex5 = 시동생 < 媤同生 > - one´s husband´s younger brother
*시장 <[[市]][[長]]> - Mayor
|ex6 = 시아주버니 - one´s husband´s elder brother
|ex7 =
|ex8 =
|ex9 =
|ex10 =
|char = 신 < 新 > - New
|kor = 신
|ex1 = 신혼 < 新婚 > - A new marriage
|def = New
|ex2 = 신세대 < 新世代 > - The new generation  
|char =
|ex3 = 신식 < 新式 > - Modern, a new style, a new method
|examples=*신혼 <[[新]][[婚]]> - new marriage
|ex4 = 신분당선 < 新盆唐線 > - New Bundang (subway) line
*신세대 <[[新]][[世]][[代]]> - the new generation  
*신식 <[[新]][[式]]> - modern, a new style, a new method
*신분당선 <[[新]][[盆]][[唐]][[線]]> - The New Bundang (subway) Line
*신년 <[[新]][[年]]> - new year
*신문 <[[新]][[聞]]> - a newspaper
*신규고객 <[[新]][[規]][[顧]][[客]]> - a new customer
*신설 <[[新]][[設]]> - new establishment
*신입생 <[[新]][[入]][[生]]> - a new student, a freshman
*신기록 <[[新]][[記]][[錄]]> - a new record
|char = 신 < 信 > - Trust, Believe
|kor = 신
|ex1 = 신용 < 信用 > - Reputation, Credit
|def = Trust, believe
|ex2 = 반신반의(하다) < 半信半疑 > - Be (half) in doubt, Be dubious
|char = 信
|ex3 = 배신 < 背信 > - Betrayal, Infidelity
|examples=*신용 <[[信]][[用]]> - reputation, credit
|ex4 = 신앙 < 信仰 > - Religious belief
*반신반의(하다) <[[半]][[信]][[半]][[疑]]> - be (half) in doubt, Be dubious
|ex5 = 신념 < 信念 > - Belief, Faith
*배신 <[[背]][[信]]> - betrayal, Infidelity
|ex6 = 신뢰 < 信賴 > - Reliance, Faith;
*신앙 <[[信]][[仰]]> - religious belief
|ex7 = 확신 < 確信 > - Conviction, A firm belief
*신념 <[[信]][[念]]> - belief, Faith
|ex8 = 자신감 < 自信感 > - Self - confidence
*신뢰 <[[信]][[賴]]> - reliance, Faith;
|ex9 =
*확신 <[[確]][[信]]> - conviction, A firm belief
|ex10 =
*자신감 <[[自]][[信]][[感]]> - self - confidence
*불신 <[[不]][[信]]> - distrust, Disbelief
*소신 <[[所]][[信]]> - one´s belief , One´s opinion
|char = 신 < 身 > - Body
|kor = 신
|ex1 = 문신 < 文身 > - Tattoo
|def = Body
|ex2 = 보신 < 補身 > -  Tonicking, Restoring health of the body
|char = 身
|ex3 = 보신탕 < 補身湯 > - Soup of dog´s meat
|examples=*문신 <[[文]][[身]]> - tattoo
|ex4 = 신장 < 身長 > - Height
*보신 <[[補]][[身]]> -  restoring health of the body
|ex5 = 심신 < 心身 > - Mind and body
*보신탕 <[[補]][[身]][[湯]]> - soup of dog´s meat
|ex6 = 신체 < 身體 > - The body  
*신장 <[[身]][[長]]> - height
|ex7 = 팔등신 < 八等身 > - A well-proportioned figure
*심신 <[[心]][[身]]> - mind and body
|ex8 = 전신 < 全身 > - The whole body  
*신체 <[[身]][[體]]> - the body  
|ex9 = 병신 < 病身 > - A deformed person
*팔등신 <[[八]][[等]][[身]]> - a well-proportioned figure
|ex10 =
*전신 <[[全]][[身]]> - the whole body  
*병신 <[[病]][[身]]> - a deformed person
*신체검사 <[[身]][[體]][[檢]][[査]]> - a physical examination
|char = 실 < 室 > - Room, home, house
|kor = 실
|ex1 = 화장실 < 化粧室 > - Restroom
|def = Room, home, house
|ex2 = 사무실 < 事務室 > - Office
|char =
|ex3 = 회의실 < 會議室 > - Conference room
|examples=*화장실 <[[化]][[粧]][[室]]> - restroom
|ex4 = 교실 < 敎室 > - Classroom
*사무실 <[[事]][[務]][[室]]> - office
|ex5 = 교무실 < 敎務室 > - Teacher's office
*회의실 <[[會]][[議]][[室]]> - conference room
|ex6 = 미용실 < 美容室 > - Beauty Salon
*교실 <[[敎]][[室]]> - classroom
|ex7 = 오락실 < 娛樂室 > - Game room, arcade
*교무실 <[[敎]][[務]][[室]]> - teacher's office
|ex8 = 자료실 < 資料室 > - Morgue
*미용실 <[[美]][[容]][[室]]> - beauty Salon
|ex9 = 독서실 < 讀書室 > - Reading room
*오락실 <[[娛]][[樂]][[室]]> - game room, arcade
|ex10 = 침실 < 寢室 > - Bedroom
*자료실 <[[資]][[料]][[室]]> - morgue
*독서실 <[[讀]][[書]][[室]]> - reading room
*침실 <[[寢]][[室]]> - bedroom
|char = 심 < 心 > - Mind
|kor = 심
|ex1 = 심신 < 心身 > - Mind and body
|def = Mind, heart
|ex2 = 결심 < 決心 > - Determination, Dicision
|char =
|ex3 = 관심 < 關心 > - Concern, Interest
|examples=*심신 <[[心]][[身]]> - mind and body
|ex4 = 명심(하다) < 銘心 > - Keep something in mind
*결심 <[[決]][[心]]> - determination
|ex5 = 무심(하다) < 無心 > - Unintentional, Absentminded
*관심 <[[關]][[心]]> - concern, interest
|ex6 = 세심(하다) < 細心 > - Prudent, Scrupulous
*명심(하다) <[[銘]][[心]]> - keep something in mind
|ex7 = 소심(하다) < 小心 > - Timid
*무심(하다) <[[無]][[心]]> - unintentional, Absentminded
|ex8 = 심리 < 心理 > - Psychology
*세심(하다) <[[細]][[心]]> - prudent, Scrupulous
|ex9 = 작심삼일 < 作心三日 > -  A short-lived resolve, An unsteady plan
*소심(하다) <[[小]][[心]]> - timid
|ex10 =
*심리 <[[心]][[理]]> - psychology
*작심삼일 <[[作]][[心]][[三]][[日]]> -  a short-lived resolve, An unsteady plan
*심장 <[[心]][[臟]]> - the heart
|char = 어 < 語 > - Language, Word
|kor = 어
|ex1 = 한국어 < 韓國語 > - The Korean language  
|def = Language, word
|ex2 = 영어 < 英語 > - English
|char =
|ex3 = 단어 < 單語 > - A word
|examples=*한국어 <[[韓]][[國]][[語]]> - The Korean language  
|ex4 = 어휘 < 語彙 > - A vocabulary
*영어 <[[英]][[語]]> - English
|ex5 = 숙어 < 熟語 > - An idiom
*단어 <[[單]][[語]]> - a word
|ex6 = 언어 < 言語 > - Language
*어휘 <[[語]][[彙]]> - a vocabulary
|ex7 = 속어 < 俗語 > - A slang  
*숙어 <[[熟]][[語]]> - an idiom
|ex8 =
*언어 <[[言]][[語]]> - language
|ex9 =
*속어 <[[俗]][[語]]> - slang  
|ex10 =
*표준어 <[[標]][[準]][[語]]> - the standard language
*외래어 <[[外]][[來]][[語]]> - a word of foreign origin
*어록 <[[語]][[錄]]> - analects
|char = 여/녀 < 女 >
|ex1 =
|ex2 =
|ex3 =
|ex4 =
|ex5 =
|ex6 =
|ex7 =
|ex8 =
|ex9 =
|ex10 =
|char = 역 < 驛 > - Station
|kor = 역  
|ex1 = 서울역 - Seoul Station  
|def = Station
|ex2 = 강남역 - Kang_nam Station
|char =驛
|ex3 = 지하철역 - Subway station
|examples=*서울역 - Seoul Station  
|ex4 = 종착역 < 終着驛 > - A terminal station
*강남역 <[[江]][[南]][[驛]]> - Gangnam Station
|ex5 =
*지하철역 <[[地]][[下]][[鐵]][[驛]]> - subway station
|ex6 =
*종착역 <[[終]][[着]][[驛]]> - a terminal station
|ex7 =
*출발역 <[[出]][[發]][[驛]]> - a starting station
|ex8 =
*도착역 <[[到]][[着]][[驛]]> - arrival station
|ex9 =
*역전 <[[驛]][[前]]> - the front of the station 
|ex10 =
*역장 <[[驛]][[長]]> - a stationmaster
*역사 <[[驛]][[舍]]> - a station building
*환승역 <[[換]][[乘]][[驛]]> - a transfer station
|char = 왕 < 王 > - King
|kor = 왕
|ex1 = 세종대왕 - The Great King Sejong
|def = King
|ex2 = 왕자 < 王子 > - Prince
|char = 王
|ex3 = 왕관 < 王冠 > - Crown
|examples=*세종대왕 - The Great King Sejong
|ex4 =
*왕자 <[[王]][[子]]> - a prince
|ex5 =
*왕관 <[[王]][[冠]]> - a crown
|ex6 =
*여왕 <[[女]][[王]]> - a queen
|ex7 =
*왕비 <[[王]][[妃]]> - a queen, an empress
|ex8 =
*왕릉 <[[王]][[陵]]> - a royal mausoleum
|ex9 =
*왕권 <[[王]][[權]]> - Royal authority
|ex10 =
|char = 외 < 外 > - Outside
|kor = 외
|ex1 = 외국 < 外國 > - Foreign country
|def = Outside
|ex2 = 실외 < 室外 > - Outdoors
|char = 外
|ex3 = 외출 < 外出 > - Going out
|examples=*외국 <[[外國]]> - foreign country
*실외 <[[室]][[外]]> - outdoors
*외출 <[[外]][[出]]> - going out
*해외 <[[海]][[外]]> - foreign countries, Overseas
*제외 <[[除]][[外]]> - exclusion, Exception
*외교 <[[外]][[交]]> - diplomacy
*외면(하다) <[[外面]]> - neglect, To turn away
*예외 <[[例]][[外]]> - an exception
*내외 <[[內]][[外]]> - husband and wife/ The inside and outside
*외가 <[[外]][[家]]> - one´s mother´s maiden home
|char = 우
|kor = 우
|ex1 =  
|def = Rain
|ex2 =  
|char =
|ex3 =  
|examples=*우산 <[[雨]][[傘]]> - an umbrella
|ex4 =
*폭우 <[[暴]][[雨]]> - heavy rain
|ex5 =
*우박 <[[雨]][[雹]]> - hail
|ex6 =
*호우주의보 <[[豪]][[雨]][[注]][[意]][[報]]> - torrential(heavy) rain warning
|ex7 =
*집중호우 <[[集]][[中]][[豪]][[雨]]> - a localized torrential downpour
|ex8 =
*강우량 <[[降]][[雨]][[量]]> - rainfall
|ex9 =
*유성우 <[[流]][[星]][[雨]]> - a meteoric shower
|ex10 =
*열대우림 <[[熱]][[帶]][[雨]][[林]]> - a tropical rain forest
*우비 <[[雨]][[備]]> - a rain outfit
*기우제 <[[祈]][[雨]][[祭]]> - a shamanist service to pray for rain
|char = 원
|kor = 원
|ex1 =  
|def = Garden, park
|ex2 =  
|char =
|ex3 =  
|examples=*유치원 <[[幼]][[稚]][[園]]> - kindergarten
|ex4 =
*동물원 <[[動]][[物]][[園]]> - zoo
|ex5 =
*수목원 <[[樹]][[木]][[園]]> - an arboretum
|ex6 =
*공원 <[[公]][[園]]> - a park
|ex7 =
*정원 <[[庭]][[園]]> - a garden
|ex8 =
*정원사 <[[庭]][[園]][[師]]> - a gardener
|ex9 =
*과수원 <[[果]][[樹]][[園]]> - a fruit garden
|ex10 =
*낙원 <[[樂]][[園]]> - a paradise
*전원 <[[田]][[園]]> - the country, Farms
*유원지 <[[遊]][[園]][[地]]> - an amusement park
<[[!--another 원 as in 회사원--]]>
|char = 인(person)
|kor = 인
|ex1 =  
|def = Person
|ex2 =  
|char =
|ex3 =  
|examples=*인간 <[[人]][[間]]> - a human being
|ex4 =
*개인 <[[個]][[人]]> - an individual
|ex5 =
*노인 <[[老]][[人]]> - an old person
|ex6 =
*장애인 <[[障]][[碍]][[人]]> - the disabled
|ex7 =
*살인자 <[[殺]][[人]][[者]]> - a murderer
|ex8 =
*애인 <[[愛]][[人]]> - girlfriend/boyfriend
|ex9 =
*흑인 <[[黑]][[人]]> - a black person
|ex10 =
*백인 <[[白]][[人]]> - a white person
*인권 <[[人]][[權]]> - human rights
*성인 <[[成]][[人]]> - an adult
|char = 일
|kor = 일
|ex1 =  
|def = Day, Japan, sun
|ex2 =  
|char =
|ex3 =  
|examples=*5일 5<[[日]]> - (ex)오늘은 6월 5일 입니다.
|ex4 =
*일기 <[[日]][[記]]> - a diary
|ex5 =
*종일 <[[終]][[日]]> - all day, all day long
|ex6 =
*내일 <[[來]][[日]]> - tomorrow
|ex7 =
*휴일 <[[休]][[日]]> - an off day
|ex8 =
*요일 <[[曜]][[日]]> - a day of the week (월요일, 화요일, 수요일...)
|ex9 =
*당일 <[[當]][[日]]> - the day -(ex)당일치기 여행 - A day´s trip
|ex10 =
*기일 <[[忌]][[日]]> - the anniversary of a person´s death
*일본 <[[日]][[本]]> - Japan
*일어 <[[日]][[語]]> - Japanese (language)
|char = 입 (입학 입원, 입구)
|kor = 입
|ex1 =  
|def = Enter
|ex2 =  
|char =
|ex3 =  
|examples=*입구 <[[入]][[口]]> - an entrance, gate
|ex4 =
*입학 <[[入]][[學]]> - admission to a school
|ex5 =
*입학시험 <[[入]][[學]][[試]][[驗]]> - an entrance examination
|ex6 =
*입원 <[[入]][[院]]> - hospitalization
|ex7 =
*입양 <[[入]][[養]]> - adoption
|ex8 =
*입대(하다) <[[入]][[隊]]> - enter the armed service
|ex9 =
*수입품 <[[輸]][[入]][[品]]> - imported goods
|ex10 =
*수입 <[[收]][[入]]> - income
*구입 <[[購]][[入]]> - purchase, Buying
*입국 <[[入]][[國]]> - entrance into a country
|char = 자
|kor =자  
|ex1 =  
|def = Offspring, child, son, daughter, fruit, seed of
|ex2 =  
|char =
|ex3 =  
|examples=*자식 <[[子]][[息]]> - one´s children
|ex4 =
*여자 <[[女]][[子]]> - woman
|ex5 =
*남자 <[[男]][[子]]> - man
|ex6 =
*난자 <[[卵]][[子]]> - an egg cell
|ex7 =
*정자 <[[精]][[子]]> - sperm
|ex8 =
*손자 <[[孫]][[子]]> - grandson (손녀 <[[孫]][[女]]> - granddaughter)
|ex9 =  
*부자 <[[父]][[子]]> - father and son
|ex10 =
*모자 <[[母]][[子]]> - mother and son
*효자 <[[孝]][[子]]> - a dutiful son (효녀 <[[孝]][[女]]> = A dutiful daughter)
*자음 <[[子]][[音]]> - a consonant
|char = 자  
|kor = 자
|ex1 =  
|def = Character, letters
|ex2 =  
|char =
|ex3 =  
|examples=*한자 <[[漢]][[字]]> - Chinese character
|ex4 =
*숫자 <[[數]][[字]]> - a figure, a numeral
|ex5 =
*문자 <[[文]][[字]]> - a letter, a character
|ex6 =
*글자 <-[[字]]> - a letter, a character
|ex7 =
*자막 <[[字]][[幕]]> - caption, subtitle
|ex8 =
*점자 <[[點]][[字]]> - Braille
|ex9 =
*정자 <[[正]][[字]]> - a correct letter
|ex10 =
*대문자 <[[大]][[文]][[字]]> - capital letter
*영자 <[[英]][[字]]> - English letter
*영자신문 <[[英]][[字]][[新]][[聞]]> - a newspaper in English
|char = 자
|kor = 자
|ex1 =  
|def = Person
|ex2 =  
|char =
|ex3 =  
|examples=*배우자 <[[配]][[偶]][[者]]> - a match, A life partner
|ex4 =
*살인자 <[[殺]][[人]][[者]]> - a murderer
|ex5 =
*승자 <[[勝]][[者]]> - a winner
|ex6 =
*패자 <[[敗]][[者]]> - a loser (ex)트랜스포머2:패자의 역습(2009)
|ex7 =
*피의자 <[[被]][[疑]][[者]]> - a suspect, A suspected person
|ex8 =
*피해자 <[[被]][[害]][[者]]> - a victim
|ex9 =
*소비자 <[[消]][[費]][[者]]> - a consumer
|ex10 =
*환자 <[[患]][[者]]> - a patient
*책임자 <[[責]][[任]][[者]]> - a person in charge of a thing
*담당자 <[[擔]][[當]][[者]]> -  a person in charge of a thing
|char =
|kor =
|ex1 =  
|def = Oneself
|ex2 =  
|char =
|ex3 =  
|examples=*자신감 <[[自]][[信]][[感]]> - Self_confidence
|ex4 =
*자존심 <[[自尊心]]> - Self_respect, Pride
|ex5 =
*자연 <[[自]][[然]]> - Nature
|ex6 =
*자유 <[[自]][[由]]> - Freedom
|ex7 =
*자동 <[[自]][[動]]> - Automatic action
|ex8 =
*자살 <[[自]][[殺]]> - Suicide
|ex9 =
*자취 <[[自]][[炊]]> - Board oneself
|ex10 =
*자필 <[[自]][[筆]]> - One´s own handwriting
*자습 <[[自]][[習]]> - Self-study
*자기소개 <[[自]][[己]][[紹]][[介]]> - Self-introduction
|char =  
|kor =
|ex1 =  
|def = The center, The middle, medium, China
|ex2 =  
|char =
|ex3 =  
|examples=*중심 <[[中]][[心]]> - the center
|ex4 =
*중소기업 <[[中]][[小]][[企]][[業]]> - small and medium enterprises
|ex5 =
*중순 <[[中]][[旬]]> - the middle ten days of a month
|ex6 =
*중학교 <[[中]][[學]][[校]]> - a middle school (A junior high school of America)
|ex7 =
*중간고사 <[[中]][[間]][[考]][[査]]> - a midterm exam
|ex8 =
*중동 <[[中]][[東]]> - the Middle East
|ex9 =
*연중무휴 <[[年]][[中]][[無]][[休]]> - open Throughout The Year
|ex10 =
*집중력 <[[集]][[中]][[力]]> - one´s power of concentration
*중국 <[[中]][[國]]> - China
*한중 <[[韓]][[中]]> - Korea and China
|char = 지
|kor = 지
|ex1 =  
|def = Paper
|ex2 =  
|char =
|ex3 =  
|examples=*시험지 <[[試]][[驗]][[紙]]> - test(exam) paper
|ex4 =
*답안지 <[[答]][[案]][[紙]]> - An answer paper
|ex5 =
*백지 <[[白]][[紙]]> - blank sheet of paper
|ex6 =
*지폐 <[[紙]][[幣]]> - paper money
|ex7 =
*표지 <[[表]][[紙]]> - a cover
|ex8 =
*편지 <[[便]][[紙]]> - letter
|ex9 =
*편지지 <[[便紙紙]]> - letter paper
|ex10 =
*포장지 <[[包裝紙]]> - wrapping paper
*한지 <[[韓]][[紙]]> - Korean paper
*A4용지 <[[用]][[紙]]> - paper of size A4
[[Important 한자|← '''Important 한자 1''']]<br>
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This section contains 한자 characters that start with the letters ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ.

본 <本> - Origin, main

  • 본인 <> - the person himself/herself
  • 본사 <> - the head office OR Our company
  • 기본 <> - a foundation, A basis
  • 근본 <> - the root, The origin
  • 본가 <> - the main family
  • 본능 <> - instinct
  • 자본 <> - capital, A fund
  • 견본 <> - a sample, A sample copy
  • 본체 <> - the body(core) of a machine
  • 원본 <> - an original copy
For more examples see:

부 <副> - sub-, vice-, under-

For more examples see:

부 <富> - Wealth, riches

  • 부 <> - wealth, riches
  • 부유(하다) <> - wealthy
  • 부유층 <> - the wealthy classes
  • 부자 <> - a Rich person
  • 풍부(하다) <> - abundant
  • 졸부 <> - an overnight millionaire
  • 갑부 <> - a millionaire
  • 빈부격차 <> - a gap between rich and poor
  • 부익부 빈익빈 <富 貧> - the rich-get-richer and the poor-get-poorer
  • 국부론 <> - the Wealth of Nations By Adam Smith
For more examples see:

불/부 <不> - Non-, in-, un-, negation

  • 불평등 <> - discrimination
  • 불편(하다) <便> - uncomfortable
  • 부족(하다) <> - insufficient
  • 부정 <> - unlawfulness, dishonesty
  • 불만 <滿> - dissatisfaction
  • 부도덕(하다)<> - immoral
  • 부재중 <> - during one´s absence
  • 부재중통화 <> - missed call
  • 불가능(하다) <> - impossible
  • 부적절(하다) <-> - to be inappropriate, unsuitable
  • 부득이 <> - unavoidably, Inevitably
For more examples see:

상 <上> - Upper part

  • 상류층 <> - the upper classes
  • 최상 <> - the best, the highest
  • 상사 <> - one´s superior
  • 상의 <> - an upper garment (coat, jacket, shirt...)
  • 옥상 <> - the rooftop, the housetop
  • 인상 <> - Rraising, Increase
  • 임금인상 <> - a wage increase, A pay raise
  • 조상 <> - ancestor, forefather
  • 상반기 <> - the first half of the year
  • 정상 <> - the top, the peak
For more examples see:

생 <生> - Living, life, living, lifetime to be born.

For more examples see:

세 <洗> - Washing, cleansing

  • 세탁기 <> - a washing machine
  • 세척(하다) <> - washing, cleansing
  • 식기세척기 <> - a dish washer
  • 위세척 <> - wash out the stomach
  • 세례 <> - baptism
  • 세제 <> - detergent, Cleaning material
  • 세수(하다) <> - face washing
  • 세면대 <> - a washing stand
  • 세면도구 <> - goods for washing (soap, toothbrush , towel...)
  • 세차 <> - car washing
For more examples see:

세 <世> - World, generation, era

For more examples see:

수 <水> - Water

  • 수요일 <> - Wednesday (literally 'water day')
  • 수영(하다) <水泳> - swimmming (to swim)
For more examples see:

시 <市> - City

For more examples see:

신 <新> - New

  • 신혼 <> - new marriage
  • 신세대 <> - the new generation
  • 신식 <> - modern, a new style, a new method
  • 신분당선 <> - The New Bundang (subway) Line
  • 신년 <> - new year
  • 신문 <> - a newspaper
  • 신규고객 <> - a new customer
  • 신설 <> - new establishment
  • 신입생 <> - a new student, a freshman
  • 신기록 <> - a new record
For more examples see:

신 <信> - Trust, believe

  • 신용 <> - reputation, credit
  • 반신반의(하다) <> - be (half) in doubt, Be dubious
  • 배신 <> - betrayal, Infidelity
  • 신앙 <> - religious belief
  • 신념 <> - belief, Faith
  • 신뢰 <> - reliance, Faith;
  • 확신 <> - conviction, A firm belief
  • 자신감 <> - self - confidence
  • 불신 <> - distrust, Disbelief
  • 소신 <> - one´s belief , One´s opinion
For more examples see:

신 <身> - Body

  • 문신 <> - tattoo
  • 보신 <> - restoring health of the body
  • 보신탕 <> - soup of dog´s meat
  • 신장 <> - height
  • 심신 <> - mind and body
  • 신체 <> - the body
  • 팔등신 <> - a well-proportioned figure
  • 전신 <> - the whole body
  • 병신 <> - a deformed person
  • 신체검사 <> - a physical examination
For more examples see:

실 <室> - Room, home, house

For more examples see:

심 <心> - Mind, heart

  • 심신 <> - mind and body
  • 결심 <> - determination
  • 관심 <> - concern, interest
  • 명심(하다) <> - keep something in mind
  • 무심(하다) <> - unintentional, Absentminded
  • 세심(하다) <> - prudent, Scrupulous
  • 소심(하다) <> - timid
  • 심리 <> - psychology
  • 작심삼일 <> - a short-lived resolve, An unsteady plan
  • 심장 <> - the heart
For more examples see:

어 <語> - Language, word

For more examples see:

역 <驛> - Station

  • 서울역 - Seoul Station
  • 강남역 <> - Gangnam Station
  • 지하철역 <> - subway station
  • 종착역 <> - a terminal station
  • 출발역 <> - a starting station
  • 도착역 <> - arrival station
  • 역전 <> - the front of the station
  • 역장 <> - a stationmaster
  • 역사 <> - a station building
  • 환승역 <> - a transfer station
For more examples see:

왕 <王> - King

  • 세종대왕 - The Great King Sejong
  • 왕자 <> - a prince
  • 왕관 <> - a crown
  • 여왕 <> - a queen
  • 왕비 <> - a queen, an empress
  • 왕릉 <> - a royal mausoleum
  • 왕권 <> - Royal authority
For more examples see:

외 <外> - Outside

  • 외국 <外國> - foreign country
  • 실외 <> - outdoors
  • 외출 <> - going out
  • 해외 <> - foreign countries, Overseas
  • 제외 <> - exclusion, Exception
  • 외교 <> - diplomacy
  • 외면(하다) <外面> - neglect, To turn away
  • 예외 <> - an exception
  • 내외 <> - husband and wife/ The inside and outside
  • 외가 <> - one´s mother´s maiden home
For more examples see:

우 <雨> - Rain

For more examples see:

원 <園> - Garden, park

For more examples see:

<!--another 원 as in 회사원-->

인 <人> - Person

  • 인간 <> - a human being
  • 개인 <> - an individual
  • 노인 <> - an old person
  • 장애인 <> - the disabled
  • 살인자 <> - a murderer
  • 애인 <> - girlfriend/boyfriend
  • 흑인 <> - a black person
  • 백인 <> - a white person
  • 인권 <> - human rights
  • 성인 <> - an adult
For more examples see:

일 <日> - Day, Japan, sun

  • 5일 5<> - (ex)오늘은 6월 5일 입니다.
  • 일기 <> - a diary
  • 종일 <> - all day, all day long
  • 내일 <> - tomorrow
  • 휴일 <> - an off day
  • 요일 <> - a day of the week (월요일, 화요일, 수요일...)
  • 당일 <> - the day -(ex)당일치기 여행 - A day´s trip
  • 기일 <> - the anniversary of a person´s death
  • 일본 <> - Japan
  • 일어 <> - Japanese (language)
For more examples see:

입 <入> - Enter

  • 입구 <> - an entrance, gate
  • 입학 <> - admission to a school
  • 입학시험 <> - an entrance examination
  • 입원 <> - hospitalization
  • 입양 <> - adoption
  • 입대(하다) <> - enter the armed service
  • 수입품 <> - imported goods
  • 수입 <> - income
  • 구입 <> - purchase, Buying
  • 입국 <> - entrance into a country
For more examples see:

자 <子> - Offspring, child, son, daughter, fruit, seed of

  • 자식 <> - one´s children
  • 여자 <> - woman
  • 남자 <> - man
  • 난자 <> - an egg cell
  • 정자 <> - sperm
  • 손자 <> - grandson (손녀 <> - granddaughter)
  • 부자 <> - father and son
  • 모자 <> - mother and son
  • 효자 <> - a dutiful son (효녀 <> = A dutiful daughter)
  • 자음 <> - a consonant
For more examples see:

자 <字> - Character, letters

  • 한자 <> - Chinese character
  • 숫자 <> - a figure, a numeral
  • 문자 <> - a letter, a character
  • 글자 <-> - a letter, a character
  • 자막 <> - caption, subtitle
  • 점자 <> - Braille
  • 정자 <> - a correct letter
  • 대문자 <> - capital letter
  • 영자 <> - English letter
  • 영자신문 <> - a newspaper in English
For more examples see:

자 <者> - Person

  • 배우자 <> - a match, A life partner
  • 살인자 <> - a murderer
  • 승자 <> - a winner
  • 패자 <> - a loser (ex)트랜스포머2:패자의 역습(2009)
  • 피의자 <> - a suspect, A suspected person
  • 피해자 <> - a victim
  • 소비자 <> - a consumer
  • 환자 <> - a patient
  • 책임자 <> - a person in charge of a thing
  • 담당자 <> - a person in charge of a thing
For more examples see:

자 <自> - Oneself

For more examples see:

중 <中> - The center, The middle, medium, China

  • 중심 <> - the center
  • 중소기업 <> - small and medium enterprises
  • 중순 <> - the middle ten days of a month
  • 중학교 <> - a middle school (A junior high school of America)
  • 중간고사 <> - a midterm exam
  • 중동 <> - the Middle East
  • 연중무휴 <> - open Throughout The Year
  • 집중력 <> - one´s power of concentration
  • 중국 <> - China
  • 한중 <> - Korea and China
For more examples see:

지 <紙> - Paper

For more examples see:

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